[Thread] Break the World in Half....

Oct 19, 2008 17:48

Characters: AU!Yuki Judai [misguidedherald] // OPEN
Where: the Plaza, near the fountain
When: during the third stage of the mod!plot, shorty after awakening from the hallucinations of death and destruction.
Summary: He had died thrice -- upon a pyre of lies and betrayal; in that sunless world, when childish, naive innocence had been murdered within him by savage cruelty and the edict of 'survival of the fittest'; in this foreign world, struck down like a helpless, weakened fool, unable to grant any amount of protection to those who had needed it. And even though his heart was still beating, the boy perceived little of it, another shred of his remaining humanity having been killed and buried.
Warnings: It depends on who shows up -- meaning that it can very-well vary between merely the ramblings of a mentally unstable individual all the way to violence and destruction.

Break the world in half and let nightmares spill forth. It was an apt description of almost everything that seemed to surround him, for the boy had certainly given up in seeking any amount of rationality within the cage which held him captive. No sense was to be made of anything that he had witnessed -- and Judai wouldn't even bother himself with trying, for the answer would be, invariably, the same.

Nothing was as he knew it -- the laws of the world were turned on their head, irreversibly skewed, to the point where they could no longer be recognized as such. Death was not as permanent as he would have been inclined to believe it -- and yet, Judai felt little joy at it all, for the emotional damage had still been done, marring him even further, breaking something that would not be easily put back together, in exactly the same manner.

This place... it had a particular fondness in playing games with his mind, turning his own worst fears against him, bringing them to the forefront, from within the murky depths of his mind. There had been illusions, waking nightmares, induced by an external source, familiar faces cauterized by the Light or mangled by the Entropi's destructive touch. And through it all -- each and every single time -- he had been thoroughly helpless, unable to do anything that might hope to change even one small factor.

Steps rather shaky and unfocused, muscles still contracting in small spasms now and then, Judai walked across the Plaza, barely noticing any of his surroundings, most of his focus drawn inwards. It had all been little more than a game, a trick played upon all of them, to instill fear and despair within the compound. On a logical level, he knew that it was such.... yet, on an emotional one, the boy was still thoroughly shaken, having sustained one blow too many, from Fates that seemed to be of a particularly sadistic kind. Such was enough -- even without knowing that the Entropi were still maneuvering them like puppets on strings -- to stir the sparks of darkened, visceral fury within him, slowly replacing the frozen numbness left behind by the 'awakening'.

Truly, if there was only one thing to be grateful about in the waking dystopia that the world seemed to have become, such a thing was that those who meant something to him had not been killed, despite the horrid vividness which those recent memories held, to his perceptions.

[yuugiou gx] yuki judai, [sonic] princess elise, [fullmetal alchemist] alphonse elric, location: plaza / fountain, [pita-ten] misha, [yuugiou gx] manjoume jun, [yuugiou gx] yubel

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