Characters: AU!Li Meilin, AU!Li Syaoran, and AU!Sakura, open to Ssil
Where: Dor-Ennea
When: Third stage of the modplot, after Syaoran invites Meilin over
Summary: Meilin is upset over dying and seeks Syaoran for comfort.
Warnings: Angst, of course.
I don't want to die.. )
"Meilin," He said, noticing that she'd been crying. He knew she was scared, everyone was to some extent, but he didn't think she was that shaken.
He glanced over at Ying Fa when she appeared next to him. "I-I know." He tried to sound reassuring and gentle and not betray how uncomfortable this was making him. "...You're safe now."
Xiao Lang had been through a lot but dieing alone. Now he could understand why she was so scared. Still he let her hold on to him while he tried to decide what to do.
Xiao Lang looked at Ying Fa and nodded when she spoke. "Yeah, make some tea." He whispered back.
"Meilin," He said, putting his hands on her shoulders and trying to pry his cousin away from him enough to look at her. "I won't let you die. And you don't have to be alone."
Meilin-chan had been there for me before. Now it's my turn.
((ooc: I've got busy times and a sporadic connection ahead, so feel free to skip me for a couple of turns? *luffs*))
He loosened his hold on his cousin to just let her do what she wanted. "If you need me..."
The girl immediately pressed forward again, throwing her arms around her cousin. At those four words she started crying again, burying her face against his neck. "I-I do," she sobbed, "Bad things will happen if you go again. I-I might die again. I don't want to." It was all very and overly dramatic, but she was really upset.
"Alright." Xiao Lang leaned his head away, as she buried against his neck. No one had ever rubbed up against his neck like that. Although he wasn't going to fight her clinging it was just too uncomfortable the way things were so he put his hand on the top of her head to try and push it down. His shirt was much more absorbent.
Hadn't he just told her he wasn't going to let her die. "It's alright." He said in a more reassuring tone. "I'm not going anywhere. You're not going to die."
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