[Thread] Irony

Oct 18, 2008 16:26

Characters: AU! Chiaki & OU! Sho Minamimoto
Where: The Park.
When: After this.
Summary: Sho's heap collapsed on top of Chiaki so he's going to lend her a hand.
Warnings: None?

Is spelled SOHCAHTOA. )

[nocturne] chiaki hayasaka, [twewy] sho minamimoto

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powerfulbeauty October 18 2008, 21:05:17 UTC
"Over here!" Came the shouted answer from somewhere on the other side of the heap ( ... )


grtstcmmnfactor October 18 2008, 21:34:05 UTC
The Reaper's attention was caught by the sound of her voice. With a step in it's direction, his head turned to the side, and his eyes glanced about in search for the source of the call. When he located it, his smirk grew wider as he turned back to the fallen heap and began looking for something else. Minamimoto dug through one pile, and then another, bringing out nothing with him from both. Finally he shuffled in a third pile, and pulled out what appeared to be a rope; one that might be found in an old western movie. He tied the end into a lasso shape and walked back over to Chiaki's area, tossing it out at her.

He whipped out his ol' handy dandy megaphone and brought it up to his mouth. "Attention, helpless sir or madam! Please grab hold of the rope and you will be pulled to safety!" Obviously, by the immaturely giddy tone of his voice, he was making a joke out of all of this.


powerfulbeauty October 18 2008, 21:47:18 UTC
She drummed the fingers of her free hand against the ground idly as he dug through what remained of the heap. Only Sho would be able to find anything around there. It was his 'art,' after all.

Chiaki resented being called helpless, but she did need his help, and she could always punch him when she was free if he kept being a prat. Grabbing the rope as instructed, the demon gave him a dark look. "You better know what you're doing." She's totally grateful, really. Don't let her words fool you. She just doesn't want to die for the second time this week. Understandable, right?


grtstcmmnfactor October 18 2008, 21:56:11 UTC
Did Sho know what he was doing? Well of course he di--no... not really. However, he did see this done on TV plenty of times, so that had to count for something... in his mind, anyway. "Who do you think I am, Chiaki?!" he yelled obnoxiously over the megaphone, "They call me the Monarch of Measurement for a reason!" And by 'they', he most definitely meant 'he', though he was in no way willing to admit that. "Just hang tight." He began pulling at his end of the rope, slowly, and with some method of technique, as if he did know what he was doing. Hey, calculation of measurements does help in these situations.


powerfulbeauty October 18 2008, 22:06:04 UTC
"Alright, alright. Sorry." She had to resist rolling her eyes, but she did give an unpleasant hiss when he started pulling, the arm holding the rope growing sore as it was stretched. For a moment, she thought he was just going to yank it out of it's socket, but something behind her gave a little and she slid forward. As she moved, shock of pain shot up her pinned arm, making her wince slightly. But hey, Sho's plan was working, so maybe he did sort of know what he was doing after all.


grtstcmmnfactor October 18 2008, 22:20:23 UTC
He did notice her wince, and ceased pulling for that moment to step at an angle to the side with the rope still in his grip, without letting Chiaki fall back into the heap again. "There is no cause for alarm! Do not panic! I am a professional heapguard!" he continued to shout in a classic monotonous acting voice as he resumed pulling her out by the rope, hopefully avoiding whatever pained her before.


powerfulbeauty October 18 2008, 22:48:51 UTC
There wasn't much way to avoid it, as just moving the arm at all hurt. She didn't complain, though, just made a face and allowed herself to continue being pulled. "Wh-who's alarmed? I'm fine..." She was half out by this point, the previously pinned arm bent at an odd angle to her side and marked with dried blood. Chiaki was making a point of not looking at it. "Just a little more, and I'll be alright."


grtstcmmnfactor October 18 2008, 22:53:35 UTC
"Zetta duh, I can see that!" he shouted quite rudely, biting his tongue in concentration as he pulled her out carefully, yet forcefully, the remaining half of the way. Of course, he made extra sure not to pull too hard that she would come flying towards him when all was said and done.


powerfulbeauty October 18 2008, 22:59:13 UTC
The pile that had been on top of her collapsed in when she wasn't holding part of it up anymore, various objects rolling this way and that against each other. For a moment or two, she just laid there, glad to have all that pressure gone before finally attempting to stand up. Her body didn't respond too eagerly to the command, rising stiffly and painfully to almost a full standing position. Playing it all off, she brushed herself off with her good arm, ignoring the other still. "Thanks, Sho. I was starting to think I'd be stuck there forever."


grtstcmmnfactor October 18 2008, 23:06:22 UTC
Stowing the megaphone away, he gripped the rim of his hat and grinned, chuckling awkwardly. "Zetta shucks, it was nothing. Hey, the factor were you doing by my heap for a whole 24 hours anyway? This opus is helix outdated. Especially since what just went down on the canvas with those Entropi. Econtra has a brand new image now. You need fresh garbage to represent that!"


powerfulbeauty October 18 2008, 23:11:34 UTC
"I was walking past it when something made it collapse. Maybe one of the Entropi? I didn't really see what it was. I thought for a minute that the sound was you, so I stopped, but... well, it fell on me." She smiled, a little embarrassed to have been caught off-guard like that. "Since I was stuck as a human when it happened, I couldn't have dodged out of the way in time. Damn thing had me trapped there until I died." After a pause, she laughed and added, "Seven lives left now."


grtstcmmnfactor October 18 2008, 23:32:06 UTC
"Heh. Never knew you took that whole nine lives thing that seriously. Sucks to have been you. My death was quick and painless, but no one wants to hear about that," he said, quickly, as if he was too ashamed to admit he'd even died at all. "Anyways, now that that's out of the way, I have a compound to educate. And by educate I mean eradicate." He turned away, ready to leave so soon.


powerfulbeauty October 18 2008, 23:44:28 UTC
"I take it seriously because it's true. Cats do have nine lives, you know. When stuff like curiosity can kill you, you need a backup plan." And curious though she was about how he died, she didn't ask out of courtesy. He did her a favor, so she'd take a hint and let it be. "Ah, yeah. Sorry to have... held you up." She gave him a little half-shrug even though he couldn't see it, sitting back down and finally acknowledging her bad arm now that he was turned away. "Have fun."


grtstcmmnfactor October 19 2008, 00:38:58 UTC
"Later, pussy cat. Try not to lose those other seven lives to the Entropi." And with that, he began his exit. Definitely looks to be feeling a lot better about himself now that the burden of the cuffs were off. And knowing that his AU was defeated by Joshua and the others had something to do with it as well. Looks like he won't be needing any mediation practices.


powerfulbeauty October 19 2008, 00:47:09 UTC
"Tch, as if. They got one on luck. Now I know better." Nothing but a fluke, that was all. She wouldn't make a mistake like that a second time. "You take care of yourself. You're not the only one without a cuff anymore, and you've only got one life. Try not to lose it~" For someone who just narrowly escaped being crushed twice, she sure is in a good mood. Maybe Sho's is catching on, like footlongs.


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