[Thread] Missing link on the brink of destruction.

Oct 02, 2008 01:30

Characters: Padmé Amidala (AU) and OPEN
Where: the roof of the second apartment building
When: the night after she arrives in the compound
Summary: The politician turned rebel is frustrated with her new situation.
Warnings: TBA

Somehow, she wasn't surprised by the fact that just as she'd started contributing to the rebellion efforts in ways other than approving and presenting ideas that she'd be pulled into another world. At first, she'd thought this was all a trick of the Empire, some clever way of confusing the prisoners and breaking them to their will. Padmé soon realized it wasn't, however, and while some would probably feel relieved at knowing they weren't captured by the Empire, she was not. In her mind, all that she'd spent the past two years on Felucia learning from Shaak Ti was going to waste. Here, she couldn't fight the tyrannical reign of her former mentor and the dark, twisted form of the cybernetic man who used to be her husband. Here, she couldn't watch over Luke and Leia from afar. And that probably upset her the most.

Padmé didn't let that show, however, standing with a passive expression that was similar to one of the masks she'd wear when working in her once beloved political field. She wasn't a senator anymore, though, and the many differences between how she was now and three years ago helped show that--as did the lightsaber hilt at her belt. The clothes were unlike her, dull in color and plain in design, highly contrasting the elaborate gowns she used to wear. Her hair was gathered up into a sloppy sort of bun and her eyes were outlined in black eyeliner with a dark purple shadow circling them, making her brown eyes seem darker than they were.

From her position a top the roof of the building her apartment was located in, she studied the compound, wondering why she of all people was pulled to this place and just what she was going to do now that she was here.

[star wars] padmé amidala, [trc] fai d flowright, [pgsm] mizuno ami/mercury, *open

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