[Thread] All these buildings and mountains...

Oct 01, 2008 00:06

Who?:OU!Tenth Doctor, OPEN
Where?: Church roof.
When?: Roughly mid-afternoon, heading towards evening.
Summary?: Ten is sitting on the top of the church.
Warnings?: None.

The crisp smell of autumn began to tickle at his nose long before it ever actually got cold. Always had. The Doctor liked fall and winter, out of all of the seasons. Spring was nice, spring meant everything was green again, but it all too quickly lead into summer, which was, frankly, abysmal. He'd donned his long, brown coat, climbed up the rickety steeple of the church and swung himself out onto the crown of the roof, longing to take in the first drift of dead, dusty leaves and the clarity of the cooler climate.

Pacing the length of the roof, the Doctor was left with his thoughts. His many, many thoughts. They'd been calmer since Rose had arrived, a little more organized, less splintered. Humans were like that, weren't they? Needed a specific person to bring them back down to Earth. However, in the back of his head, in the silence that had once held the TARDIS, the vast majority of the Time Vortex, the knowledge of entire worlds, there was the bleak knowing. The understanding that there would be a time again when he would see as through a mirror, darkly, where the entire world of Econtra would splinter all over again.

He did not like that thought, and for now, for the blessed now, he could ignore it, stretching out his long arms and beaming into the afternoon sunlight. It was a lovely day, and here, above all the noise of the compound, he could think. Somewhere he quietly considered bringing Rose up here, though he didn't know if she could keep her balance.

[doctor who] 10th doctor, [sonic:stc] espio the chameleon, location: church / cemetery, [age of mythology] persephone

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