[Threads] Out and about...

Sep 27, 2008 22:57

Characters: Relena Darlian (OU) and Vada (OU)
Where: the plaza, near the fountain
When: a few days after the council thread
Summary: Relena's restless, goes for a walk, and runs into Vada.
Warnings: some possible language from Miss Vada ;p

Relena was feeling restless, bored, and bit on the lonely side, but not enough to seek out any companionship. She was more upset than she was letting on about her brother's disappearance. Yes, it didn't surprise her to have him vanish without warning, for she was quite used to people in her life doing that to her, but it didn't mean that she wasn't sad to see him go. She had been getting to know him in a way that she hadn't gotten a chance to before, had begun to connect with him in a way that siblings should, and now he was gone. It didn't help that even though many of her friends were here and she had made new ones as well, that she still felt like somewhat of an outsider, even in a place like this. But, perhaps she was just letting things get to her, especially with her recent bout of frustration towards the residence of the compound who demanded action, then showed a lack of motivation in helping see such a thing through.

Dressed in a pink shirt, white hoodie, jeans, and tennis shoes, Relena pulled her hair back with a ribbon and headed out for a walk to stretch her legs and clear her mind. She looked down at the ground about the time she came upon the plaza, watching her feet as she walked, and looked up just in time to stop herself from colliding with a dark haired girl.

location: plaza / fountain, [dark angel] vada, [gundam wing] relena darlian

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