Characters: OU!Soma, OU!Shiki
Where: The Fountain
When: An hour or so after
this; during the transformation plot
Summary: Even though she's come to terms with not being Eri, she hasn't exactly come to terms with being herself, and the transformation reminds her of this. Thankfully, Soma is willing to lend an ear and help.
Warnings: Maybe a teensy bit of angst?
She sat on the cracked rim of the fountain, watching her reflection in the stagnant water. It was almost like looking at someone else by this point. Normally, it would be Eri's face staring back at her from puddles and mirrors, but this time, her friend was gone, leaving only that awkward girl who called herself Shiki behind to put the pieces together.
No, she wasn't Eri. She knew that. But she was herself, and that was a person she hardly knew anymore. Following after the other girl, trying so hard to be that happy, supposedly perfect person, had just about ruined who she really was. Alright, maybe not ruined, but it did send her into hiding somewhere. It was about time that she coaxed that girl back out, too. One day, she'd have to be that person again, so why shouldn't she start now? And Soma was going to help, too. That'd make it easier... right?