[Thread] Meeting of the minds.

Sep 15, 2008 02:08

Characters: OU!Tenth Doctor and AU!Fayt.
Where: The church balcony.
When: Backdated, to after this conversation.
Summary: Fayt and the Doctor meet to talk and think together.
Warnings: None that I know of.

Fayt headed to the church as soon as he received the items he'd requisitioned for the Doctor. He was dressed in black like always; black shirt, black pants, indicators that he had lost someone important and was still mourning his death. After the incident at the ball, however, he refused to leave his room without bringing his sword, and so he had it with him now, strapped behind his back on its sheath.

A good man, the Doctor. He'd said the words Fayt had wanted to hear ever since he'd arrived at Econtra; his speech was inspiring and inviting, rekindling the flame of his desire to help those who were taken to fight this war with him. With war there would be casualties, yes, but he was determined to keep the number to a minimum (or none at all) and for the war to end as swiftly as possible. That's why he'd been busy. Talking to people, getting to know more about their environment, helping Skuld with her weapon...

He arrived at the church and quietly made his way up to the balcony. "Doctor?" he called out hesitantly, green eyes looking around for the esteemed man.

[doctor who] 10th doctor, [star ocean] fayt leingod

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