[Thread] Locked Shut

Sep 13, 2008 22:39

Characters: AU!Kon-El/Superboy, AU!Lyle Norg
Where: The Basement of the Office Building
When: During or just after the Meatpuppet plot.
Summary: Lyle's slightly hurt and locked in the office basement. Kon comes to help!
Warnings: None.

You're My Only Hope~ )

[dc comics] kon-el/superboy, [legion of superheroes] lyle norg

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invisikid September 14 2008, 17:07:27 UTC
"Kon?" Lyle stood from his seat on an abandoned desk, and made his way to the door so he could hear the other boy better. Leaning on the wall beside the door, he sighed in relief. "Thanks for coming. I'm sorry you had to go out of your way." In all honesty his wrist, though it was back in place and didn't hurt when he left it alone, had been protesting way too much to keep on with his own attempts to move the door. Not to mention the other injuries obtained from hitting a ceiling then a floor made the movements too difficult. "The door opens out, and I've already picked the lock, so it should just open up if..."

Sprock, he had forgotten that Kon either didn't have powers, didn't know about them yet, or didn't like to talk about them. For whatever reason, Tim had told him to keep him mouth shut when they had been making him the medicine. He bit his lip, tasting old blood and began scrubbing the side of his face to dislodge the dried red line. He hoped that for whatever reason Tim hadn't wanted him to bring it up wouldn't be a hinderer for Kon now. Not just for the sake of getting out, but for the sake of Kon's comfort zone. He tried to think of a way out for his 'savior' if the other hero needed it. "If you can't move it yourself... I don't mind waiting around until help comes."

((ooc: Not really, just that Lyle wouldn't be able to move it XD;;))


000013_kon September 14 2008, 22:31:25 UTC
Kon's thoughts were going along similar lines -- not whether or not he could move the furniture -- but how to do it in a way that was believable. He could do it slowly, claim he needed to rest or -- or what the hell. Lyle sounded really bad.

"Hey, what are you talking about -- don't wait," Kon said, getting to work on the furniture. Using his superstrength, it was the work of a minute to get the heavy debris out of the way. "Call now, and not only will we rescue you for our one time special price, but we'll even throw in some of this roughed up office furniture that's been dumped down here." There -- the door handle was free now and Kon reached for it. "Lyle?"


invisikid September 16 2008, 02:41:28 UTC
Despite the situation, he couldn't resist a laugh at Kon's humor. It hurt; obviously his chest had been bashed up, but it was a nice relief. "It's a good thing I called when I did then, don't want to miss out on this offer!"

Lyle grinned around a wince, closing one eye against the florescent bright from behind his friend. "Hey, Kon." The room he had been locked in was littered with broken and useless supplies. An area had been cleared, probably for the other Legionnaires Dani had been hoping to catch, and piles of ropes had been selectivly placed for four people. Only one was scattered, still knotted in areas, having been already used. Lyle knew how to escape from conventional bonds, but there were still some marks on his wrists and legs, he could feel them, from having laid there knocked out for who knows how long. With hesitance in the better lighting, he glanced at his left wrist-the one he had dislocated without a flinch to free himself, and then popped back into place. There was some slight bruising, but nothing too terrible. He'd probably have to lay off it for a little bit though. The teen then hesitantly made his way out from his makeshift prison. There was an ache in his ribs as he walked. I'll probably have to lay off moving in general for a little bit. Lyle thought with a scowl, pressing his right hand over them carefully.

His surprise was left alone. Kon had moved the blockage [apparently furniture] so quickly...super strength? If that was the case, he wouldn't press it. Kon would tell him about it when he trusted him enough. "I was so ready to be out of there. I can't thank you enough, Kon. It would have taken me forever to shove all this away from my end." He mused, eying the pile of furniture that had kept him locked in the basement. "Dani sure was thorough."


000013_kon September 16 2008, 08:55:01 UTC
"Too bad you didn't call sooner," Kon said. "I'm sure you'd have loved a full set of stainless steel kitchen knives to go with those broken bonds and bruises -- wow. Maybe I should have thrown in a medic."

He put a hand out for Lyle to steady himself on if he needed it. "Eh, she needs to work on her piling debris method," he said dismissively. "Points for enthusiasm, but her construction was downright shoddy."


invisikid September 17 2008, 05:24:27 UTC
Lyle chuckled. "I'm fine, nothing a nap wont help fix."

"It certainly worked on my end." He mused with a grin, gripping Kon's hand with a wince as pain vibrating through him. The teen took a moment to waver, holding a hand near where it hurt. Breathing slowly out through his teeth, the Legionnaire seemed to set his jaw and straighten. With a grateful look, he released his hold on Kon. "...You getting tried of me saying 'thank you' yet?" An embarrassed smile.

He eyed the stairs in anticipation. He wanted to get out of there as soon as possible. If it came to it, he could just fly out. Luckily Dani had left his Legion ring on his finger.


000013_kon September 17 2008, 08:18:40 UTC
Kon snorted. "Yeah, that's going to be some nap." Still, he was impressed at how the Legionnaire pulled himself together. Where had he seen that before?

-- right. Tim.

Kon shrugged, figuring that Lyle, like Tim, would know his limits enough to let Kon know if he needed the help. He stayed close, as Lyle eyed the stairs. "Nah. I figure it's just my due. White knight and all." He wondered at Lyle's hesitation over the stairs. Could he have other injuries? "How secure are you in your masculinity?"


invisikid September 18 2008, 04:35:33 UTC
He remembered now that he'd never talked to Kon about where he was from. How he was a hero like Tim and the Kon from his time line. How he could fly, and although the other might have an idea that he could turn invisible, he'd never stated it aloud. It would probably be too weird, or overwhelming, saying he was from the future. Just thinking about explaining all of it made his head spin. Or maybe it was the lump he knew he had hidden under his hair somewhere [Probably near where blood had it matted uncomfortably]. "Yup, a very, very long nap." Lyle insisted still.

"Just please don't tell me you rode here on a white horse." He mock groaned, before his expression fell into confusion. "Huh? Rather secure, I'd like to think." Brown eyes narrowed suspiciously. "...Why?"


000013_kon September 18 2008, 07:28:14 UTC
"You might want to talk to a doctor before taking any long naps. You know what medical types are about head injuries and concussions," Kon said mildly. He was keeping his opinions on Lyle's manner in emergencies to himself. "Learnt that in first aid class."

"And speaking of first aid class -- you got a choice between getting out of here piggyback or bridal style, neither of which are particularly manly."


invisikid September 20 2008, 01:09:47 UTC
The Legionnaire rolled his eyes, throwing Kon an appreciatory grin. He knew about that rule. He had lugged many battered teammates to the Bio-Repair room, reminding them to stay awake until they stepped into the healing chamber. And once when an exploding experiment had knocked him head first into a table, Brainy had lectured him on the fine points of concussions to keep him aware [one would think that would make you fall asleep quicker, but Brainy was a rather demanding and scary lecturer when he wanted to be]. "I'll have to remember that. I don't think it's that bad though..."

"...Eh?" Lyle instantly colored. Trying to fight it down, he held up his hands and waved them. It wasn't that he didn't appreciate the help, but he'd feel rather silly making Kon carry him when he had other means of getting up the stairs. "Y-you dont have to do that! I can just fly out."


000013_kon September 20 2008, 06:30:43 UTC
"Those sound like famous last words to me," Kon said affably. Lyle had called for a rescue, Kon was going to see he got one, even if it meant going medical textbook on him. "And hey, this place is tiny. Not like the clinic's far."

Kon raised an eyebrow. "I dunno what the rules are with flying and head injuries. Can you at least fly in a straight line?"


invisikid September 21 2008, 03:02:46 UTC
He gave a sigh; enough indication as any that he would comply with Kon's insistence. He hadn't really wanted to make such a big deal about his injuries. In fact, he was rather embarrassed that he had been taken out so easily. Brainy had been missing, but he hadn't been in the basement with him. So that probably meant that he'd escaped earlier. Lyle had had to call for help. "All right, all right. You win."

Lyle blinked, frowning. He didn't feel like he would fly crooked... But he was hardly moving faster then a walk at the moment, and the whole altitude factor of any kind...


000013_kon September 21 2008, 03:09:35 UTC
Kon grinned at Lyle's comment. "I do like it when people see things my way."

He raised an eyebrow, studying Lyle's face as the Legionaire weighed his options. He didn't think there was much he could add to tip the scales either way.


invisikid September 23 2008, 02:40:11 UTC
"Many people do, I assure you." He teased in return for relenting to Kon.

Another wave of dizziness had him steadying against the nearby wall. The more he walked around, stood, actually faced the light, the worse his headaches got. Slowly but surely the extent of the hits he had taken came to light. "I..." Lyle glanced to the side, then back to the stairs in front of him, gaze coming closer and closer to the ground in parallel quantities to his embarrassment. Red faced, eyes shifting. "I... might need your help."


000013_kon September 23 2008, 02:52:46 UTC
Kon did not say 'I told you so.' He didn't need to. Every line of his body, the raise of his eyebrow, the smugness inherent in his entire being shouted it.

Still, as he carefully steadied Lyle, shifting the shorter teen's arm across his shoulders and putting his arm on Lyle's back to guide him towards the stairs in a gesture weirdly similar to dancing with Rumor at the ball and no, he wasn't thinking about that -- Kon had to wonder if maybe there wasn't something to the hero thing after all. Being needed -- it was kinda cool.


invisikid September 23 2008, 03:15:27 UTC
Wordlessly, he accepted the movement of his arms, and the one across his back. Kon was a steady factor in his wavering balance. Lyle tried not to lean too much on the other boy, but still was grateful when his world tottered once again-now halfway up the stairs-and Kon kept him in place.

The last few stairs covered, he visibly sighed in relief, shuddering even as he flashed a smile at Kon.


000013_kon September 23 2008, 03:27:57 UTC
Smug, smug, smug. The only reason Kon wasn't gloating openly was the thought that if he did, he might not be allowed to rescue people any more.

"So, clinic?" he said, rhetorically, not really expecting an answer as he steered Lyle that direction. "You got a physician of choice?"


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