[LOG] Eliminating a Threat

Sep 10, 2008 16:20

Characters: AU & OU Quatre, OU Duo
Where: Om-Pente
When: The afternoon after the ball
Summary: OU Quatre and OU Duo decide that AU Quatre needs to be kept out of the way so Belldandy can continue her evil plans.
Warnings: Betrayal!!

"Do you really think this'll work?" Duo asked Quatre as they carefully made their way to Om-Pente.

"I know it will," he said. "Just keep up your end of the act. You're my decoy. I can block him easier than you can."

Duo nodded and knocked on the door. "And we're just here to check up on him after the party, right?"

"Right." The younger blond nodded as they waited.

A sound of movement, the padding of feet, and the older blond opened the door. Smiling thinly, he greeted them and stepped aside so they could come in. "How are you both doing?" In the back of his mind, something still felt off about all this, but neither of them had been acting oddly, and truth to tell, he had been feeling very off-kilter himself since the party..... He just wondered if Miss Belldandy was alright.

"We should be asking that of you," Quatre said quickly, knowing Duo was a bad liar. "Are you alright? You seemed to take what happened really hard." The younger blond stepped forward, ushering his older double to the couch. "Sit..."

Duo followed him, but didn't hover quite so much.

Still feeling rather ill for some reason, Quatre did as the younger boy asked. Rather than sitting, however, he sank down onto the cushions. "I....I'm alright....I think...." This last, muttered under his breath, would have just been intelligible to the others. He looked at them again, as though seeing them from a distance. "You were hit too....you felt it. Or...at least...." He didn't know what he was saying, really.

"Yes... I felt it, too," Quatre said. "I only think Duo was affected because of us." He was quick on his feet with explainations. "Did you want anything...? Tea?"

That was about what the other had suspected. "That would be nice....thank you." Another wan smile- Quatre was more shaken by what had happened than he let on. And he kept staring through them, though this may just have been absence of thought. "Duo....are you sure you're alright?

"Fine, fine," Duo said a bit too quickly, waving the blond off.

The younger Quatre nodded, ignoring Duo for the moment as he went into the kitchen. In there, he could focus himself for what was to come.

"Are you dure?" Quatre watched him as carefully as he could. The too-swift answer told him that Duo wasn't telling him the truth. However, he assumed that, as was usual with Duo, teh American was downplaying what must have shaken him. "Are you sure?" he stood up and went to his friend, face lined with concern.

"Yeah," Duo said, giving Quatre one of his typically disarming smiles. "I'm sure." He put his arm around the blond's shoulders, grinning. "I'll live, yanno..."

"I guess...." Quatre didn't look entirely convinced. Perhaps there was something in the back of his mind that told him the smile was false, but he brushed it aside. Sitting again, he patted the seat next to himself. "So...what's going on out there? Have you two managed to stay safe?"

"For the most part." Duo flopped next to him. "Dunno 'bout Q there, but I have." He laughed a bit. "God of Death an' all that... I ain't easy to catch." So he claimed...

Quatre came out with the tea then. He set it down in front of his older double and Duo. "Here," he said. "It'll help you relax." He hadn't added anything to it, but had made a chamomile blend that should definitely make his double relaxed and off guard.

The older boy took it gratefully, and it soon did what his double wanted. He sighed, setting his head back a moment. Everything was still very woozy, and unclear. He didn't know why, but hoped it wasn't a portent of things to come. "How many have been affected....does anyone know?"

"Not exactly sure," Duo said. "A good number of us."

Quatre glared at Duo's slip.

"People..." the American tried to cover.

The older boy hadn't noticed this slip. Referring to the compound in general as 'us' was natural enough. "Anyone specific? And does anyone have any leads as to who might be the perpetrator?"

"There's a few options," Quatre said, knowing that there were several decoys to keep Belldandy safe from those who might try to stop her. Plus, with her acting on stage, it would be thought she was under control as well. "We're letting the magic-users worry about it... since that's apparently how it was done." He placed his hand on his double's shoulder, getting himself ready.

"Miss Belldandy...." Older Quatre sighed and rubbed at his face. "I haven't seen her since then....or been able to find her at all. Is she alright?" At that moment, something pricked near the peripheries of his mind. Perhaps it was a warning, but he didn't heed it. He was starting to get another headache, and it was probably that. As he started to zone out, then realized he was doing so, he shook his head. "Sorry...I'm a little fuzzy right now..."

"That's fine," Quatre told his double in a soothing voice, maybe a bit too smooth. "Everything will be fine." They couldn't have Quatre stopping Belldandy's plans. He needed to incapacitate him. He closed his eyes, starting his push.

Duo sat back, letting the younger blond do his hting.

That was odd....a vague burning had begin to circle around his consciousness. He shook his head more vigorously, and when it didn't go away, he slapped it a bit with the heel of his palm. What was that?


The burning sensation was getting stronger.... Older Quatre shook his head more vigorously, unable to pinpoint it to block it. "Quatre...something....something's....not right....." On the point of asking for an Aspirin, the pain suddenly shot past what was left of his outer defenses. The teacup and saucer fell to the ground as both hands went to clutch at his head. What was happening?!

"As long as you don't fight it, you'll be fine," Quatre said, hoping that it would have been easier to get Quatre to just pass out.

With that statement, everything suddenly made sense. That was why they felt so strange..... It might have been too late, but he reacted with the sudden realization, looking up to stare at them with disbelief. Clenching his teeth against the pain, he thrust it back on his double. However, at the last minute, and because he couldn't bear to hurt him, he deflected it away from the younger boy himself. "Q......Quatre....s....s....s....top...please...."

Quatre winced only slightly at the backlash, almost surprised when his double pulled back. "No... I'm sorry..." he said, his voice sounding almost serene. "I can't let you interfere in Miss Belldandy's plans." He pushed harder now, willing the other to just let go and pass out.

But his older double was NOT going to go quietly. Jaw clenching with fury, he began to fight back harder, even though he could no longer see through the pain. "Sh....shhhheee....did this?" Like someone desperately trying to rebuild a dike during a flood, Quatre shoved up barriers. At the same time, his consciousness shot past them, and the fire in his mind, grasping onto the younger boy's thoughts. Even as he did so, he could tell that Belldandy's barriers were far too strong, but he wasn't going to give up. Rather than break through them, he tried to send his double thoughts, feelings, things that only they would have known. Anything to get through.... His double was trapped in there, and he had to get him out...

Quatre just smiled. "Nice try, my older brother, but I have a goddess on my side this time. You won't win." He shifted and put his hands on his older double's face. "She's made sure of it."

The older boy's mouth opened in a silent scream, and his body curled in on itself, beginning to twitch. This probably would not have been, if he hadn't still been fighting. however, in the end, his form stilled, and his mind was quiet. What damage had been done for the long run was yet to be determined. For the moment, he was no longer a threat. If his younger double was looking, he would have seen a few last tears squeeze past the older boy's tightly shut lids.

"Done?" Duo asked.

Quatre nodded, a very cold look in his eyes. "We should put him in his room, at least. It will give us some time if people think he's just sleeping."

Duo nodded in agreement and lifted the older Quatre from the couch. He moved him into his bedroom and laid him on the bed to look like he was taking a nap.

Quatre brought the tea into the other room as well. He then cleaned up the extra cups so that it looked like his had gotten himself the tea alone. "Let's go... before the others come back." The two left quickly, closing the door behind them.

[gundam wing] quatre winner, [gundam wing] duo maxwell, *complete, location: apartments

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