[Thread] A change of personality

Sep 09, 2008 01:40

Characters: AU!Relena Darlain, OU!Duo Maxwell
Where: The Hallway of OM
When: After the ball, while Duo's a meatpuppet
Summery: A random encounter between Relena and Duo
Warnings: Some sarcasm and possible violence? I'm not sure.

Relena sighed softly as she closed the door to her room. She hadn't seen Zechs in a while and she wondered just what had happened to him. She also hadn't talked with any of the other pilots in a long time. She wondered how they were doing and she hoped that they were all right. She shook her head a bit, running her hand through her hair before heading down the hall. She was going to take a walk in the park and hopefully clear her mind before going to see Heero.

[gundam wing] duo maxwell, location: apartments, [gundam wing] relena darlian

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