[Thread] The Games We Play

Aug 25, 2008 21:36

Characters: OU!Sho Minamimoto, AU!Chiaki Hayasaka
Where: The park
When: During the not-so-killer tomato attack; shortly after this
Summary: Chiaki's challenged Sho to see who can kill the most tomatoes.
Warnings: Snark, violence against semi-sentient fruits. Maybe some petty name-calling? Oh, and just general Sho-isms.

Chiaki crouched a ways away from ( Read more... )

[nocturne] chiaki hayasaka, *complete, [twewy] sho minamimoto

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grtstcmmnfactor August 26 2008, 03:13:23 UTC
Oh, Minamimoto would Sho alright. In fact, he appeared crouched on the very peak of the heap itself, a gleam of arrogance in his eyes, which was partly guarded by the rim of the hat he'd just picked up from the area, courtesy of a certain pink polydrafter. He watched the feline at the bottom, who had arrived in the park sometime before he did, and it wouldn't be long before he would make himself known to her by riding down the sloped side of the heap like a slide and jumping to a stand-still before he crashed at the ground.


powerfulbeauty August 27 2008, 01:01:12 UTC
The noise caused by the sliding wouldn't startle the cat at all. About the same moment Sho put his foot down to start sliding, she heard him and anticipated the sound. Still keeping her paws around the tomato to keep it from running away, she turned her head to acknowledge Minamimoto.

"Nice entrance." There was just a faint undertone of a pleased purr in her voice. "Ready to play~?"


grtstcmmnfactor August 27 2008, 01:12:18 UTC
Sho stepped over to the cat and crouched down to give her a pat on the head with his blackened left hand, a smirk now complimenting the arrogance in his eyes. "Heh... damn right. I was born ready! Just give me the 'on your mark, get set, go' and I'll zetta crunch these irrational numbers into oblivion!" He stood up and crossed his arms.


powerfulbeauty August 27 2008, 01:26:25 UTC
"Just the answer I was looking for. Now, give me a moment..." She stretched a bit and shook briefly before changing shape again. Chiaki looked very similar to the form she'd taken the last time they met, though the few differences were amazingly noticeable. Black ears jutted from the wild brown mane that surrounded her face; everything from her eyes down was covered by a soft cut of black cloth. Just the most faint curves of her eager smile could be seen through the mask, leaving her oddly feral cat eyes to convey the emotions her hidden face couldn't.

The white fur covering her torso bristled as she lifted the tomato off the ground and flexed her clawed fingers around it, causing the little fruit to squirm and gnash it's harmless teeth in fury. "On your mark... get set..." Her claws twitched and snapped shut, impaling the aggressive tomato. "...Go."


grtstcmmnfactor August 27 2008, 01:44:51 UTC
"Hmph! Is that all you got?!" Minamimoto clenched both his fists tightly and flexed his upper body backwards in an arc, his grin widening as he became surrounded by an unsettling dark aura that extended outwards into smaller black and white fragments, which then shaped naturally into distinct Noise forms. Beasts of all shapes and sizes began to materialize into the area from them, growling and roaring intensely as they moved swiftly towards any tomato targets they could find to destroy.

"INFINITY!" Sho cried out, as he watched his minions devour as many tomatoes as they could.


powerfulbeauty August 27 2008, 01:55:28 UTC
"I'm hardly getting warmed up!" She hissed in reply, flinging the remains of the first tomato at Sho and extending her claws by several inches. Instead of going after the tomatoes first, though, Chiaki rushed for the most collected of the Noise, a maddening grin pulling at her masked mouth and a distinct gleam in her eyes reflecting it back out where it could be seen. In a flash, she was on the Noise, sinking her claws viciously into the summoned beasts as well as any nearby tomatoes she could take out in the process.


grtstcmmnfactor August 27 2008, 02:10:16 UTC
"Zetta slow!" came another shout from Minamimoto's direction, before he was quickly shut down by the flying tomato which made impact with his face. Chiaki's attacks would succeed in erasing half of the summoned Noise, but there were more on the way as Sho made an effort to create a metaphorical sea of them, some of which were given the command to distract Chiaki from the tomato-seeking ones that continued to squash what they could.


powerfulbeauty August 27 2008, 02:22:40 UTC
She wouldn't be bothering with the Noise unless they were already attacking the tomatoes or got too close to her path of destruction. Pausing for only moment to send a wave of paralyzing energy needles towards both Noise and tomato, Chiaki would slash and stab into every fruit and monster that was within reach. Her fur was already beginning to become matted with the loose bits of tomato, giving her a very bloodstained appearance that didn't detract any from the battle-hungry sight she was already making.

"Is that the best you can do?!"


grtstcmmnfactor August 27 2008, 02:45:21 UTC
The only tomato stains Sho had, currently, were the ones dripping down his face thanks to Chiaki. But he didn't seem to mind it, being preoccupied on just laughing maniacally in the background of all this madness as the Noise did his dirty work for him. That was about to change, as a glance in his direction would give the impression that he was changing; growing noticeably larger, and more beast-like by the second. Soon, he would bust through his own clothing to take on the form of a Noise. Meet Leo Cantus, Minamimoto's Noise form.

The beast that is Sho Minamimoto was covered in black fur from his midsection up, with white bones only exposed on his lower half. He began to teleport from one point to the next, slashing his way through tomatoes himself, but generally staying out of Chiaki's way while doing it.


powerfulbeauty August 27 2008, 02:59:24 UTC
Chiaki, even in the midst of her partial rage, couldn't help but be somewhat awed by the massive Noise. Working her way closer to Leo Cantus, she began firing a second round of paralysis needles at him as soon as he teleported close enough, hoping to at least keep the beast distracted or slowed down. He had her outmatched in speed easily; that wouldn't do. Whether or not it worked, she'd continue slashing through any of the smaller creatures she could get to.


grtstcmmnfactor August 27 2008, 03:10:10 UTC
Luckily, a few of Chiaki's needles struck and temporarily paralyzed the Leo-Cantus Noise, albeit for only a few worthless seconds. Mostly because Minamimoto hadn't expected for her to attack him directly, as he thought this to be merely a tomato-crunching contest, and nothing more. After regaining control of his senses, the Noise returned to mashing vegetables. "Zetta slow!" he roared.


powerfulbeauty August 27 2008, 03:19:42 UTC
"Yeah, yeah, I know..." She growled under her breath, obviously not happy about being outclassed. Thankfully, that temporary pause was enough to give her some sense of satisfaction, however small. Chiaki was still strong enough to affect Leo Cantus, and that was good enough for now. At the rate they were going, though, not many of the tomatoes were left. If the pair hadn't smashed them already, the Noise had eaten them before being destroyed themselves. Too bad! Looks like there's not much left to count, provided they'd been counting at all.


grtstcmmnfactor August 27 2008, 03:31:20 UTC
Indeed, Chiaki and Sho combined were probably more than enough to take out the entire infestation of tomatoes in Econtra, provided they cared enough to carry out that tedious job. Minamimoto caught on to the fact that there were barely any targets remaining to be killed, and reverted back to his regular reaper self, raising a victorious arm into the air. "Your winner and Undisputed Math King Of Tomato-Crunching... me!"


powerfulbeauty August 27 2008, 03:41:14 UTC
She bit her lip under her mask and sauntered over to where Sho stood, dripping bits of tomato as she moved. Her fur had been very nearly dyed a pale red and several smears of pulp marked her face darkly. Chiaki didn't even think he'd bothered to really count, but he did seem a touch involved with math. Perhaps he really had. There'd be no way to argue; she hadn't payed the matter any attention past the first two she crushed.

"Good job, King. I'm impressed." Flicking a partial tomato that had impaled itself in her claws off, she actually applauded. "You're really something special. Even better than me." A fact that both humbled and intrigued her immensely. "I'd be proud to follow you."


grtstcmmnfactor August 27 2008, 03:50:16 UTC
"Zetta duh. You were outta your vector challenging your Monarch of Measurement to a tallied game, especially at the rate I multiply. Heh... can I blame you for wanting to see my brute skill first hand? Heck no. You got surface, pussy cat. That's not something I can say about most of these hectopascals around here."


powerfulbeauty August 27 2008, 09:45:46 UTC
"I didn't realize my intentions were so transparent." She looked amused all the same, in spite of that. "What can I say? You've simply got me interested, and now I see why." There was no debate that he could outclass Chiaki in at least speed alone, but it occurred to her he might even be able to beat her master in a few crucial subjects. Something that important was always worth a further look, especially when strength was such an obvious measure of someone's worth.

"Probably because most of them aren't as great as I am," she added contentedly at his compliment of sorts. "but I'm sure you already knew that."


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