[thread] Will these feet in modern times ...

Aug 25, 2008 11:54

Characters: OU: Cissie King-Smith, AU: Kon-El.
Where: An empty classroom in the school.
When: After Cissie's arrival, once Kon has managed to gear himself up for it.
Summary: Cissie's curious, Kon doesn't want to elaborate. This can only go well.
Warnings: None!

Walk on soles that are made in China? )

[dc comics] cissie king-jones, location: school, [dc comics] kon-el/superboy

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Comments 71

notarrowette August 25 2008, 00:14:49 UTC
Cissie received Kon's message and sent back a quick message to say she was on her way.

It didn't even take her the entire walk from her room to the school for her to get nervous. She knew this wasn't her Kon. Tim had explained about Luthor, and that while he knew about Bart, he didn't know what had happened to their Kon. Talking to him... It had felt different, but at the same time, she wasn't sure how much of that was because he was different or because it had been so long since she had been able to speak with her friend. It had stung, when he had asked for some time before seeing her, but she understood--it was probably a good thing for both of them. She had needed to remind herself that this wasn't her Kon.

Cissie took a steadying breath before entering the school and heading for the science room. She approached the science room and froze--there he was, sitting on a desk at the front of the room, looking down at his feet. He looked--exactly like she remembered him. So much so that it hurt and she had to take a second to ( ... )


000013_kon August 25 2008, 00:23:12 UTC
The message to say Cissie was on her way was entirely expected and still managed to make Kon nervous. He put the PDA in his pocket, gaze drifting to the dull wood floor beneath his feet. She's your friend, he reminded himself sternly. Seriously, what's to be afraid of?

But she wasn't. And that -- that might hurt more than anything else. Kon bit his lip. He didn't have a lot of people he trusted. Young Justice, his Dad, Mr Drake -- that was what, nine people he felt okay with? Having them there but not having them ... Kon shook his head at himself sharply. Luthor's weren't needy.

The noise of the door opening startled Kon out of his thoughts, and he looked up to see Cissie looking so like Cissie that he smiled without thinking about it -- a wide, relieved grin. "Well, hey. Fancy meeting you here."


notarrowette August 25 2008, 00:33:37 UTC
Cissie couldn't help but smile back. "Hi," she managed. She hadn't known how she would react to seeing him for the first time, but it was both easier and harder than she had expected. Easier because--he looked and sounded so much like the Kon she knew that she couldn't help but feel comfortable around him.

Harder for exactly the same reason.

She came into the classroom and stood awkwardly a few feet away--she wasn't sure what to do, now that she was here. She hadn't thought she'd be shy. "It's--really good to see you," she said with another small smile.


000013_kon August 25 2008, 00:41:41 UTC
Kon's smirk indicated that comment had gone straight to his ego. "Well, yeah," he said, smug. "I could have told you that."

He patted the desk next to him. "Pull up a desk, make yourself at home. We got the entire school to ourselves pretty much."


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