[Thread] Date With A Goddess

Aug 24, 2008 18:30

Characters: Nocturne (AU!Demyx), OU!Urd
Where: The Café
When: Lunchtime, the day after this conversation.
Summary: Nocturne's worked up the nerve to ask Urd out to lunch. Just how well the "date" will go is open to question.
Warnings: None that I can think of, really.

It wasn't that Nocturne was afraid of gods in general. A few particular gods could scare the life out of him, but as a whole he didn't have a problem with them more than any other people. What he did have a problem with was the fact that relationships between deities and mortals rarely worked out well; a couple of Econtra's resident goddesses had teased him mercilessly about this once they found out, but Nocturne really didn't want to end up eaten by horses or turned into a flower.

Nocturne wasn't sure when he'd started finding Urd attractive; after all, he'd spent plenty of time around beautiful women, especially goddesses and some men who could be mistaken for beautiful women at first glance. Both his knowledge of what happened when mortals and goddesses got involved and his sense that he didn't have much of a chance with her had kept his lips sealed - right up until that blasted spell had decided not to give him a choice and he found, to his surprise, that maybe he had a better chance than he thought.

Somehow he worked up the nerve to actually ask her out to lunch. He might've invited her out to the lake, but considering that Persephone didn't like her much the park was probably an exceptionally bad idea. However it happened, he'd done it, and now he was waiting at the café for Urd and cursing the fact that he hadn't thought to requisition some sort of halfway-dressy shirt, instead of the Hawaiian shirts he'd taken to wearing in Econtra.

[kingdom hearts] demyx, [ah! my goddess] urd, location: stores / café

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