[Thread] Long live

Aug 10, 2008 23:41

Characters:OU Garth Ranzz, Open to legionnaires and any other character who can fly/reach them and is curious enough to drop in.
Where:At a safe altitude
When:Early evening
Summary:The legion of Super heroes unite for the first time.

The legion )

[dc comics] garth ranzz/livewire, [legion of superheroes] brainiac 5, [legion of superheroes] lyle norg

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phasepresence August 11 2008, 20:41:13 UTC
With graceful ease, Phantom Girl dove out the window of Om Tessera, flying up into the sky of her new residence. Meeting with her fellow Legionnaires was just the thing to get her feet on the ground...metaphorically speaking.

"Hey-yo Lightning Lad!" She called out to the lone figure in the sky. Swooping up she hovered to his level.


brainiac5ive August 12 2008, 16:49:54 UTC
Brainiac wasn't far behind. He came from the east, looking up to his two friends in the sky as he met their altitude and floated over. Lighting Lad looked older, definitely.

"Phantom G-" Not a girl anymore.. He caught himself staring only for a split second. "Phantom Girl." he nodded then, then to Lightning Lad.

Only missing one now.


invisikid August 12 2008, 18:42:06 UTC
When Lyle appeared, the first thing he did was blink at Brainy in surprise. He hadn't gotten to see his roommate since he came back, and boy had the Coluan changed. Still, he smiled brightly, placing a hand on the blonde's shoulder of a moment in greeting. "This the upgrade you were keeping as a surprise?" The teen grinned broadly, happy to see any version of his friend ( ... )


littleoldforlad August 12 2008, 19:03:46 UTC
Lighting Lad held out his right cybernetic hand for Lyle to shake. "Nice to meet you, Invisible Kid." he said. He looked Tinya over, only half lecherous, the other half business. "Can't say anyone else has really been courteous enough to give me the basics.. Anyone want to have the honor?" He asked with a joking tone of voice. But really.. anyone? Anyone?


phasepresence August 12 2008, 21:03:49 UTC
Tinya, however, was a little more joyous to see the younger Legionnaire. "Lyle!" She swooped onto the teen, wrapping him up in a mix between a hug and a noogie. "Hey there, kiddo! You had all of us worried when you vanished at the end of your mission!" The young woman ruffled the flustered boy's hair before finally letting him go.

"So, you must be another version of Brainy." Her smile widened at his slight faltering, but didn't mention it otherwise. "You're so cute! I never thought I'd see Brainy at that age."

Then she scoffed at Garth's words and playfully rolled her eyes. Ever subtle, Fearless Leader. But, with one hand on her hip and an amused curve to her lips, she held out the other. "Phantom Girl, if you haven't guessed already."


brainiac5ive August 13 2008, 01:19:56 UTC
Brainiac 5 was note cute.. was he? He watched this exchange between Lyle and Phantom Girl and nodded to her. He couldn't imagine any other version of him was so different, although much older, perhaps as old as she was. "If you say so, Phantom Girl."

He turned his attention to Lightning Lad, nodding curtly at his request. "I'm sure you've already been informed why we are here. This version of earth is under attack by an alien race known as the Entropi. They are energy based and as such they need to consume the energy of living beings. Whether they require Carbon based lifeforms specifically is unknown. Most of the drafted have reported having been here for only one year, and there has been two notable attacks made by the Entropi against this or another complex. The first attack came in the form of a storm, one casualty, heavy structural dama-"


littleoldforlad August 13 2008, 01:21:49 UTC
Oh.. Jeeze..

"Brainy," Garth interupted, "Mind giving us the short version?"


brainiac5ive August 13 2008, 01:25:02 UTC
"Structural damage." Brainy replied firmly. "The second attack was of a single Entropi, killing more then eight. That was only one month before I arrived. The Entropi in question was one of the keepers, who have been running things here behind the scene, that is, before the attack. In short, there are two factions of the enemy, and even then, we don't entirely understand the motives behind the keepers. But we do know that the Entropi we will be fighting against intend to wipe out all life on this planet."


invisikid August 13 2008, 01:47:02 UTC
When Tinya swept him into an imprisonment of rough sisterly affection, Lyle couldn't help but let out an embarrassing noise of surprise. After it ended, with his hair much more messy then it had been when he left Nyi Eski, he sent a glowering pout at the woman and attempted to straighten the fluffed up locks on his head without success.

Lyle felt his mouth twitching in repressed laughter at the exchange between Brainy and Lightning Lad. Despite the seriousness of the conversation, some things just spanned over dimensional barriers... Like Garth not following Brainy's train of very complex thought.

"The other occupants are just starting the very basics of a defensive plan. With bases to retreat to, and areas for groups to meet up at, to make sure people know where each other are headed. Offensively, it's hard to get a definite strategy outside of friend circles." Lyle looked between the other Legionnaires slowly, cool calculation behind his friendly voice.


littleoldforlad August 13 2008, 03:31:57 UTC
"So what if we started working with the other circles? Make friends and introduce those friends to ther friends in other circles so we can start uniting this place?" Garth suggested, stroking his furry chin with his robotic hand, the hairs standing just slightly at his touch but settling the second he removed it.

It was war, and Garth had experience, strength and numbers, as well as unity. If the Legion could lead the way to a better organization, he didn't know who could. Sure, CB woulda been great to have at this, however.


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