[Thread] A date?

Aug 07, 2008 20:08

Characters: Szayel-Aporro Grantz (OU), Urd (OU)
Where: Ast-Dyo
When: Around 8p.m. tonight
Summary: Szayel-Aporro and Urd have a little tea and conversation.
Warnings: None as of yet.

As it was in his nature to do, Szayel-Aporro had neatly arranged the table for the upcoming visit from Urd. Several varieties of tea had been made and now sat there among plates of cookies and dishes of fruit awaiting her arrival. Also placed on the table was a small basket of those glowing purple orbs he'd had with him when he'd met Urd before. After all, he might get hungry himself, so why shouldn't he have a little snack while they talked? Besides, it might make her feel a little uncomfortable, eating when there was nothing for him to eat as well. Most people had feelings like that, didn't they? He was almost sure it could be an issue.

With everything prepared to his satisfaction, he sat silently in his chosen chair, considering what he and Ishida had discussed earlier. Would she think of this as a date? Admittedly, he didn't know much about women and their thought processes, but had he made it seem like a date with his invite? What would she be expecting of him? Despite what he'd told Ishida, it did make him a bit uneasy. He wasn't a romantic fellow and had no plans of becoming one, but what he was planning to accomplish by spending his evening with the goddess was a mystery even to him.

[bleach] szayel-aporro grantz, [ah! my goddess] urd

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