Who?: OU!Tenth Doctor, AU!Persephone
When?: After
Where?: Ci-Epta
Summary: Suddenly changing magnetospheres and Time Lords don't mix!
Warnings?: None, likely.
The Doctor charged out of one apartment building and tore off towards Ci-Epta. Seeing as he had a binary vascular system, the running didn't bother him whatsoever. It was a little warm outside - or maybe it felt like it? He didn't know, he didn't really care. He remembered things... but he had to make sure his mind, vast and expansive as it was, wasn't tricking him. He could feel the TARDIS again, distantly, her beating heart in tandem with his, the quiet questioning, now and again. The TARDIS didn't think so much in words, as it did in ideas. It sent him concern. It sent him comfort now and again, and reassured him, through colours, through psychic meaning, that it was fine and out of the way. After all, it was older than he was by a long shot. However, she was far away, and that... distance... bothered him. It almost hurt, quietly, in the back of his mind, there was a stretching sort of pain. Wherever his ship was, she was certainly a greater distance than he'd originally anticipated. But she was there. Alive, still.
Upon reaching Ci-Epta, where the smells of cooking drifted out from underneath the door, the Doctor screeched to a halt, knocking on the door rapidly with the back of his knuckles.
"Persephone!" he called, completely un-winded from his jog there. "Persephone, it's me! It's the Doctor!"
And there he waited, running a hand through his brown hair, bouncing on his heels. He couldn't possibly hold still. Pulling his sonic screwdriver from his pocket, he pointed it at the door, and then punched a button, hoping the door would pop open. It of course, did, the bolt clicking open obediently. He hadn't broken the lock, simply insisted, through sonic-technology, that it move.
The young man tore into Ci-Epta, grinning like a wild thing, his dark eyes alight with triumph.
"I remember!" he exclaimed gleefully from a few steps inside the doorway. "Oh, Persephone, this is magnificent!"