[Thread] A Tale of Two Dibs

Jul 10, 2008 16:53

Characters: OU Dib Membrane, AU Dib Membrane
Where: By the fountain, that hub of Econtran activity
When: Backdated to after this conversation, and probably after this thread.
Summary: Dib goes to meet Dib, not convinced yet that his double isn't just some strange scheme of Zim's
Warnings: None for little Dib, but big Dib? Maybe language?

This place was so weird. Cool, but really, really weird. He'd talked to an alien, and he'd talked to Gaz, and Gaz's... boyfriend... and Zim, and some talking animal thingy, and some guy that said that he was Dib too, and some other weird animal thingy, and some pretty weird people. Whatever this place was, it was weird.

Econtra? Neocontra? He'd heard it referred to as both. But what was it? All he knew was that there was an alien invasion - not Irken - and that the aliens were more or less impossible to fight. That worried him. How were they supposed to save the Earth if they couldn't fight?

Really weird. And now he was going to meet... himself. Or something. Gaz seemed to think it was really him, anyway. It took him a long while to actually find fountain, which was kind of weird, because it was right there, out in the open. How had he missed it?

And there... there was his... his double. "Hey!" he called out as he approached slowly. "Hey. Hi."

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