
Jun 18, 2008 03:32

Characters: AU:Hidan & OU:Selim
Where: The church
When: Now
Summary: "Oh hey, let's go hang in a church lol"
Warnings: Hidan is a warning. Also two insane bad guys hanging in a church?

So Hidan was at the church. His body spawned out over the shit-cold bricks in a symbol of a circle with an upside down triangle in it and a fucking spike through his ribs. Shit, no goddamn sacrifices. Hah, fucking Shikamaru was probably good enough though, but gross, Hidan totally regretted it. Regretting it meaning "Getting within one foot of the faggot" but it was over and hell, humiliation and mental torture was just as good as sticking a scythe in someone's waist.

Yeah, that was pretty funny too.

Econtra was filled with dumbshits and assholes, totally boring, no one to worship Jashin and Hidan lengthened his ritual to a hour a day. Gotta keep a god happy, right?

There was a low groan that escaped his lips as he felt the long metal stick in his body and then a sigh of relief. His arms flopped to the side of his body with a satisfying smirk on his lips and eyes half-closed. Yeah, this was where Hidan was going to spend his days. In a shit ugly church for worshipping a diety which gave him what he hated. Well, couldn't be helped, right?

Couldn't be helped that there was going to be a goddamn kid coming in and probably act like a brat either. First leaf-asses and now kids. This was just crap.
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