Characters: Prince Zuko (OU) and OPEN to all (no one younger than 13, please)
Where: outside, near the apartments / commons
When: after the smoke plot and
thisSummary: Zuko is affected by the lust potion and wandering about.
Warnings: Lust potion. Adult Content. FTB-ness. 'Nuff said.
His room felt claustrophobic... )
He sneered at Gaz, wanting to shout how dare you at her but unable to make his lips move. The combination of sexual frustration and rage was never good. Especially for a firebender. He swallowed hard, take a step towards her and raising a fist with flames already bent around it, hovering mere inches above his pale skin. He wouldn't bend at her, not after what happened with her blasted boyfriend, but that didn't mean he wasn't going to indulge in his talent. It was a normal thing for him to do, after all.
"He--" Started to come out, but his voice faltered. He struggled to say something, suddenly filled with the urge to make her understand just why he felt he had the Agni-given right to burn a hole through Keiji Saga's torso. He'd been wronged, taken advantage of, tricked, used, manipulated. And by the great sages long gone, he'd manipulated far too many times in his life for his comfort. And Keiji, he...
"That," he said in a voice that was suddenly quiet and small, "was my first time."
"He is under the potion," Gaz said, "And is indulging as you have. He has already felt up a person I consider my sister, and now that she knows he's my boyfriend, she has stopped talking to me. That won't be the last person Keiji has angered and done it to. His personality is erratic, he is perverted, and he rubs people the wrong way. A lot of time, having to apologize for him pisses me off."
Gaz sighed. "But he is also kind, and smart, and wants to help. He is a person capable of love, and he will become normal soon. When that happens, he will hate himself more than anyone ever could, and when that happens, I'll need to be there to get him out of that hole, and make him himself again. The price he'll pay for what he's done will be steep: I don't have any doubt about that. What he did to you was wrong, and he will have to answer for a lot. But I'm here, and I will answer the price for this, to spare him a burden. I don't use the word freely, but it is the only way to now: I love him."
Gaz looked at him. "Name your price."
As much as Zuko hated to admit it (and never would), he found himself comparing himself to Keiji, though not in the same retrospect. Keiji was a pervert and a stalker and a whole lot of other negative things that Zuko could probably go on and on about. Zuko wasn't any of that, but he had been, not too long ago, a horrible person. Selfish, cruel, arrogant, rude, ruthless...he'd hunted another human being to restore something as foolish as his honor. He was loosing his honor by trying to catch Aang. Katara hated him for all he'd done to Aang in the past, but he knew that the waterbender, with her threats and glares, would never hate much as he hated himself.
His features evened out and he quit bending. Squaring his shoulders, he looked away.
"Just...leave me alone."
She started to leave, then stopped. She walked back, straight to Zuko. She wasn't scared of him: Gaz, after all, was hardly scared of anyone. She took her hand and gently touched Zuko's scar. She stared at him: not defiant, not disgusted, not anything.
"That wasn't right, what caused this to happen," Gaz finally said. "This scar...its malignant. Undeserved."
You, my father, who banished me, just for talking out of turn! My father, who challenged me, a thirteen-year-old boy to an Agni Kai. How can you possibly justify a duel with a child? It was cruel! And it was wrong.
The effect the lust potion was having on him went momentarily forgotten as he stared at her, his good eye wide.
"He..." Zuko started, trailing off--beginning to speak of his father, not Keiji, but stopping himself. "How do you know how I got this?"
Gaz slowly put her hand down. "Sorry if that made you uncomfortable or something."
"Four years ago," he said after a moment. "It was a lesson. For speaking out of turn."
"That's fucked up," Gaz said, looking on the floor. "A few years ago, when I was young, I saw something I shouldn't have seen, and should have reported. I didn't. The person that caused came at me. Think of the potion thing, and now put it in the hands of a rapist. He came at me. I killed him. My sensei says that the burden of killing someone is oppressive, like a weight on your soul. You always have it, and sometimes it visits your dreams, no matter how much someone deserved to die. I have a brother here...and now he wants to kill someone. Like I said, people who have heavy pasts tend to see it in each other. I don't have any physical scars Zuko. Just emotional ones."
"My sister is here, but we...don't exactly have the best of relationships."
Gaz looked back at him. "You know, you're a good looking guy. My boyfriend's insane, but I've never known him to pick anyone lackluster."
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