"Residents," the Warden called, managing to be heard about the general noise of the assembled crowd without seeming to raise his voice at all. "Those whom have gathered here should be assigned to the MECHANICAL training division. If you are not part of this group, you are in the incorrect designated area
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But she needed to be in a group, so she tapped the first person she came across on the shoulder and tentatively asked them.
"Would you like to be in the same group as me?"
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Then he noticed a familiar head of blond hair and perked up a bit.
"Oh, hello," he said to Malik. "I didn't know you were going to be here."
No. Honestly, he didn't know anyone here. There were lots of wierd people and he didn't have the first clue who to approach. He wasn't a mechanical genius, that was for certain, but he did know something, so maybe he'd get lucky and get picked up by someone. Or something.
So when he heard someone asking for them to be in the same group as them, he walked over to see who it was. Imagine his surprise when it was a young lady, about half his age or so.
"Um....I'll be in your group if you want."
Wow . . . That was . . . fast . . .
"Ummmm . . . hi . . . ? I'm Watanuki. I guess . . . we're a group?"
2). Ssilissa (OU)
3). Malik Ishtar (AU)
4). Mummymon (AU)
5). Miyako Inoue (OU)
6). Earl J. Hickey (OU)
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