The Olympics spoiled my fun

Aug 09, 2008 10:53

You can always count on Olympic opening ceremonies to provide perplexing, pointless, not-necessarily-effective spectacle.

Except this one.  Wow.  Wow!  There was pretty much nothing to make fun of -- okay, except for the Chinese cheerleaders dancing to bagpipes playing "Scotland the Brave" while the Turkish team marched in -- and so much to be unbelievably impressed by.   My mouth was hanging open throughout much of the "artistic presentation."

How did they do that stuff?  How in particular did they (a) coordinate those thousands of people popping up and down in boxes to form massive textural pictures, and even more (b) get the thousands of Tae Kwan Do experts to line up, repeatedly, in perfect perfect perfect concentric circles?  My thought was that every marching-band director in the country is going to show that to his people.  My dazzled father's reaction, based on his many years in military school plus Army, was that U.S. drill sergeants are going to show it to the troops to shame them into better formations: "if the Chinese can do it, are you going to insist that you Americans can't do it?"
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