Hello everyone,
I am so excited to see this community here on livejournal! I am an aspiring economic student and plan on pursuing economics as my course of study once I graduate high school. I am stoked that this community is already set up and I look forward to reading posts! I am seriously interested in expanding my knowledge of economic terms and
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Comments 26
There are a number of great econ books that are meant for a modern audience that just want to learn more about economics - Naked Economics (Undressing the Dismal Science) is one and, while it's a little old now, Economics in One Lesson is great too. I also liked Tyler Cowen's "Discovering Your Inner Economist" too, and Thomas Sowell has a very readable intro to Economics. I think you can find Economics in One Lesson for free on the internet.
I must agree with you on my ability to better understand some of the more modern writings and overviews... I enjoyed reading Animal Spirits by George. A. Akerlof and Robert J Shiller as well as Freakonomics by Steven Levitt and The Working Poor by David K. Shipler.
I feel as if some of the more direct resources will make better since, and mean more to me in time...
Also, if you read Economics in One Lesson, do it skeptically. Its written by Austrians and well, they are not even close to the heterodox.
Capital is not very hard in its preliminary remarks, which cover a significant portion of the first volume. And its more than 2000 pages in its full form, but the first 7 chapters - something like 250 pages - are both extremely explanatory and not overly theoretical.
marissaelyse: I have made some basic notes for a study group that has basically died out, but they cover a lot of the basics in the first few chapters of Capital if you want an overview. Once I have soem extra time I intend on ttyping up the next four chapters of notes I've completed as well as going further (on ch. 8 atm).
Capital Ch 1 notes
Capital Ch 2-3 notes
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