My dad just won the cycling state championship crit! He rocks! And his teammate won the field sprint for (I think) 3rd place! I'm really sad now that I couldn't get down there to see it...
In other news, I have been very productive today.
I have: cleaned the bird cages, fish tank, kitchen, and carpet; repotted new plants on my window sill; and written a graduation card my cousin and thank you notes to Justin's family.
I still need to: get started on my stats program; clean my room, desk, table, and closet; fix & eat lunch; review what I'm teaching tomorrow (yay axial & appendicular skeletons!!!!!); register for the AOU conference & buy my plane ticket before prices skyrocket; and call Mom.
Still so excited about my dad's state championship race! *booty-shake happy-dance of spontaneous joy*