Некоторые добавочные сведения о профессиональном стиле архитекторов RMJM:
В Европе они прославились скандалом при
строительстве здания шотландского парламента (
Holyrood scandal) - тоже, кстати, в городе (Эдинбурге), центр которого является объектом Всемирного Наследия. Специализация у них такая?
Впрочем, там основная суть проблемы была не в нарушении городских панорам, а в том, что здание было закончено на три года позже и с превышением исходной сметы, указанной архитекторами, в ДЕСЯТЬ раз. Это меня впечатлило.
Подробная табличка, которая показывает, как это происходило (
Date Cost Reason 24 July 1997 c£10m-£40m
[24] The first cost projection provided by the Scottish Office is for housing MSPs in a new Scottish Parliament. The estimate takes no account of the location or design of any new building.
[68] 6 July 1998 £50-£55m
[69] The design of Miralles is chosen and the revised estimate updates the preliminary figure recognising that the initial projection was based on a cleared site of 16,000 m² (172,222 sq ft) on brownfield land in Leith, Haymarket or Holyrood.
[70] The figure does not include
VAT or site acquisition costs.
[69] 17 June 1999 £109m
[24] First Minister, Donald Dewar provisionally estimates the costs at £109m.
[69] The increased figure takes account of consultancy fees, site costs, demolition, VAT, archaeology work, risk and contingencies.
[68] 5 April 2000 £195m
[24] Cost projections increase by £86m.
[69] November 2001 £241m
[24] The new figure is officially announced and takes into account increases in space and major design changes resulting from a changed brief over the previous year.
[71] Rising costs are also blamed on construction problems ahead of an attempt to try to complete the building project by May 2003.
[68] The then Presiding Officer
Sir David Steel informs the Finance Committee of the Scottish Parliament that rescheduling work is increasing costs.
[71] December 2002 c£300m
[24] A cost increase to £295m in October 2002, is reported to be due to increased security needs, requiring that bombproof cladding be incorporated into designs for the external fabric of the building.
[21] Rising costs are also put down to "hidden extras" in the construction process and by December 2002 "ongoing delays" raise costs above the £300m barrier.
[21] The completion date for the building slips again, and plans for a grand "Opening Ceremony" are shelved indefinitely.
[21] September 2003 £400m
[24] In July, the new Presiding Officer,
George Reid produces the first of his "monthly reports" on the cost and schedule of the building, and provides a figure of £373.9m.
[69] The new figure comes in the light of reports that consultancy fees for the project top £50m.
[68] By September costs break the £400m barrier and are blamed on construction problems in the interior of the building.
[68] February 2004 £430m +
[24] Costs are revealed to have increased again due to further problems with construction.
[21] The official opening of the building is tentatively put back again to some time in 2005, however the building finally opens in October.
[68] February 2007 £414.4m
[9] The final cost is announced by the Scottish Parliament Corporate Body, a reduction of £16.1m on the previous estimate.
[9] Википедия больше ни о чём таком скандальном не сообщает, кроме претензий к эклектичному стилю, который призван был отражать национальный шотландский характер, а отражает... ну, я не специалист, посмотрите сами. Но знакомые подсказывают, что претензии есть и к "энергоэффективности" здания, точнее - к полному её отсутствию, и даже пишут о таком казусе, как треснувшая над залом заседаний потолочная балка - прямо в ходе парламентских дебатов :)
Если считать, что газпромовские деньги к нашему карману никакого отношения не имеют, то и ладно - одна банда ограбит другую, и шайтан с ними. Но Газпром так претендует на особое место в нашей жизни... и чтобы мы его любили... Просто сердце болит от тех убытков, которые они понесут.