so, i had an interesting weekend. the lecture on Friday was pretty good. interesting enough to keep me awake anyway. and they held it in the
Redpath Museum (am so gonna have to visit the exhibits there some time) video conference room...which is very cool. it's like i pictured lecture halls would be back when i was in high school. or at least lecture halls at the kind of universities i wanted to attend. tiers with high backed benches and wooden ledges for desks, beautiful metal scrollwork on the railings, carved wood, etc. sadly, the benches weren't all that comfortable for a movie. they were fine for the lecture, but dude did they need some more padding for movie watching. Blade Runner wasn't bad. a little odd, but worth seeing. especially considering its place in sci-fi history.
after the movie, J and i walked a ways so we could eat at Soupebol. i wanted noodles. yummy noodles. after we ate, we drove back out to the west island. stopped at Blockbuster on the way home, but they didn't have any of the movies we wanted to see. we left empty-handed, which turned out just fine when the power went off shortly after we got to my apartment. we waited awhile but, other than one flicker, the power didn't seem to want to come back on. so we lit all the candles in the living room and played a couple of games of Senet. won one each before J went home.
the electricity was back by the time i got up to go to the gym, so i was able to watch Avatar when i got home. yay! bummed around the house reading most of the day, though, until J came over. we watched the rest of Ranma 1/2 season two and then played
Ruk-Shuk. to play, you have to balance little rocks to make the formation on a game card for the round. and you only get a limited time to do it. some of the formations are really hard, and i only completed two formation during the time limit, but it was still really fun. of course, the exclamations of "get back here you little bastard!" and such when rocks weren't cooperating may have been part of that. of course, there was also a good deal of humor involved in building the incredibly phallic "Aphrodite's Rock" formation. so, the game should have been frustrating but really wasn't.
i stayed up and read rather later after J left, but whatever. it's not like i did anything on Sunday anyway...but read more. well, and capture some more InuYasha episodes off VHS. really though, the only thing of note regarding Sunday is the fact that it snowed. stayed up late reading again, even though i was tired. evil, wonderful books and their ability to keep me up past my bedtime. i did actually get eight hour of sleep (oops), but i still didn't want to get up. got to school later than i should have...but it's not like i feel like doing work anyway. especially since my choices are to stick figures into Word documents (hate doing that...stupid thesis) or writing the code for the program to create species. euw. of course, the itchy eyes, sneezing, and sore sinuses may have something to do with that. damnitall. anyway, i shall try to do some work before i go to the gym. yes, yes, really.