unofficial long weekend

Sep 19, 2006 16:45

arrrrr, ahoy there, mateys! (okay, i've done my homage to Talk Like a Pirate Day)

Friday night J made wasabi tilapia (yummy) before we went and saw Bon Cop, Bad CopL, which i totally loved.  then we went back to my place and watched some DVD's before going to sleep.  i got up and went to the gym like a good girl, letting J sleep in.  we had breakfast and watched cartoons for a while before we went out for our planned fall shopping.  i spent way too much money, damnitall, but it was fun.  we got sucked in by the Mac makeup counter, and neither of us could resist buying the pretty eyeshadow sets we tried there.  i'm not allowed to buy any more makeup for, like, years.  we both picked up some layerable T-shirts at SmartSet, which were happily fairly cheap.  we had mall sushi for lunch...which i've decided is actually better sushi than the stuff i can get delivered to my apartment.  go figure.  we snooped a few other stores, but only bought anything at Old Navy.  i, believe it or not, bought a skirt.  i have no idea when i'm gonna wear it, but it was relatively cheap. oh, and i also made the mistake of stopping by HMV.  i wanted the FMA movie and the newly released Star Wars (original theatrical version, oh yeah!).  then, i ran into other stuff i really wanted...and wasn't as likely to see again.  then i had to think.  i hate thinking about decisions like that.  i ended up with the FMA movie, a Chronicles of Riddick box set ($20 for Pitch Black, Chronicles of Riddick, and Dark Fury), and the first season of Batman Beyond.  the Star Wars releases will be out for a few months; i'll see them again.

around the time we finished shopping, the stores were closing anyway.  the parking lot was relatively empty, so i gave J a quick lesson in driving with a manual transmission.  she did pretty good.  the only time she killed the engine was the time i told her to do it.  after that she volunteered to go grocery shopping with me, and help me carry stuff up to my apartment.  so i have food now.  which is good 'cuz the fridge was getting a little bare.  then we watched all my new Batman Beyond (*squees*) before i took her home.  i got back around three in the morning, sat down for 'just a few minutes' to drink some tea and read.  three hours later...i finally went to bed.  of course, this meant i got up late on Sunday and didn't get nearly as much cleaning done as i should have.  but clean i did and was sore of feet and knees when i (finally) went to bed.

i had to get up all early so i could meet with the nutritionist on Monday.  i got up on time, but i was still late to the appointment.  guess i move a little slow at that time of morning.  also, i had a nearly flat tire that had to be filled before i could drive to the metro station.  really must get that fixed.  maybe while Gwen and Norm are here and have the rental car.  yeah.  that would work.  anyway, was late to the appointment, then just missed the nutritionist when she went to go do some paperwork.  she came back up and we did a quicky consultation, so i guess that worked out okay.  i have to do the whole food diary thing for the next couple of weeks, and then i'll meet with her again to get my 'plan'.  yippee.

went to the McGill bookstore, got a snack (i was very hungry by then), and read while i waited for J to finish class.  then we walked over to a Polish restaurant for lunch.  yummy.  i got to have borscht and sausage stew.  after that we walked over to Place des Arts and got tickets for The Nutcracker, and the three operas we want to see during this 'season'.  by the time we finished with that, it was well into the afternoon and i figured there was no way i was gonna make it into work.  we walked over to Chapters and did some major book shopping since i had two 'mystery' discount cards that would have expired by the end of the month, but required a certain amount to be spent before we could use them.  sadly, neither one of the cards turned out to be a $1000 dollar card, but $5 off is better than nothing.  : )  my knees hurt very badly by the time we finished at Chapters (cleaning the day before plus much walking equals ow), so i decided to not even try to make it to the gym (probably wouldn't have had enough time anyway).  we got dinner instead...mmmm, Hot & Spicy has yummy Asian food.  then we went home.  i considered cleaning some more when i got home (the Advil i took had kicked in by then), but i decided to be nice to my poor, abused joints and skip it.  sadly, i actually wanted to clean.  i did manage to go to bed on time for once, though, so i guess i'm not too awful a person.

i was hoping to get up 'early' today and go to the gym before work, but i guess the combination of little sleep and lots of exercise made my body decide to sleep for ten hours instead.  okay, i can deal with that.  i did get into work at a half way decent time, though, so yay me.  not much going on here.  checked on my simulations; they're doing good.  the four that are still going have all been reduced down to the same composition. well, same species anyway.  so far, i still have all seven producers and five out of sixteen consumers.  always the same five.  guess those species are just survivors.  in my daily meeting, RK approved an idea i had for creating systems for my data generation simulations.  instead of creating each system entirely randomly, i'm gonna create a bunch of species (probably semi-randomly 'cuz i'm lazy) then use random combinations of those species for the simulations.  that should let me differentiate a bit between whether systems are failing because the species are not survivors or because the system set up is bad.  of course, now i have to figure out the systems and write the programs that will let me both create the pool of species and then combine them into a bunch of different systems.

in other news, since i missed any work yesterday and Gwen and Norm are coming on Friday, my writing goal for the week is 750 words or the end of the chapter.  whichever comes first.  i'm hoping for the end of the chapter; it'd be nice to get it done before i have guests.  i still think it's possible.  i'm gonna go see a movie with dernhelm87 tonight.  hopefully, i'll squeeze in a little cleaning after i get home too.  and that's it.  must do some work now.  : )

oh!  almost forgot.  while waiting for J yesterday, i finished Darcy's Story by Janet Aylmer.  it's written as a companion piece to Pride and Prejudice, and it's really pretty good.  i enjoyed it anyway.  it's the story from Darcy's point of view, and you get to see more of how he goes from the man we meet at the beginning of Pride and Prejudice to the man who Elizabeth Bennett consents to marry.  i recommend it to anyone who has read (or seen) Pride and Prejudice and wants to know a little more about Darcy...or is just willing to see what someone else's take on him might be.

word count: 207 words + 1 figure

health, sleeping, food, montreal, guests, shopping, tv shows, research, theater, weekend, clothing, reading, writing, school, books, cleaning

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