just for fun (and because i said i would for one of these), i am posting two pictures for you guys. i'm actually pretty proud of these two. : )
couple dancing at the Montreal International Jazz Festival
rose bud at the Montreal Botanical Garden last month. i've actually printed this one out, too. first photo i've ever printed (and i've had the printer that could do photos for a year now). it looks pretty good, but it still has the slightly odd quality that says "printed on an inkjet". now i just have to figure out what to do with the print. yup. actually, i should stick it...and a bunch more...into my neglected "portfolio". yup.
apparently, i haven't transferred photos for over a month...and there were 589 of the suckers on the memory card! the card (256 MB) was less than half full, too. i am now seriously considering setting my camera at a higher resolution. *snoops on camera menu* egads! it was on the lowest setting! eek! i want good quality (i'm "artistic" for goodness sake!) but i don't want to fill up memory cards too fast ('specially as i only have the one). anyone out there have some advice on what would be a good setting?
in other news, Aleda's birthday dinner was really fun. people were late showing up, so we didn't get a table until after eight. the service was kinda slow too, so we didn't get down to the jazz festival until nearly eleven. that was a bit of a bummer. we saw the tag end of one group when we got there, then went to see the blues group we really did want to see (Downchild Blues Band for those of you interested). they were pretty good, too. i got to watch most of that group until i had to leave to catch the Metro out. i wasn't sure when the last train went through and i am deeply paranoid about getting stuck downtown. turns out i could have stayed for the rest of the show. *pouts* when did the Metro start running an hour later? oh well. i will keep this in mind for tomorrow night, though.
p.s. look! new icon! it reads: plant some roots and see them grow...which is funny 'cuz that's my potato plant. heehee. it's the largest of all the plants in my garden this year, and i'm strangely proud of it. again, kinda funny, since all i did was stick some chunks of one of my dinner potatoes into the dirt in a pot. (okay, i did the whole 'earthing up' thing, but i ran out of depth weeks ago.) : )