haven't written for several days. my sister probably thinks i dropped off the face of the planet. anyway... *rewinds*
on Friday, i went out for drinks to celebrate
dernhelm87's birthday with her. that was a lot of fun. got to see her sister again and talk to people and stuff. J and i had to hook out fairly early so we wouldn't miss the last metro back to Izzy. it sucks being stranded downtown when that happens. they really need to extend the metro to Dorval circle.
i managed to get up and go to the gym Saturday morning like a good girl, but i spent the rest of the day being a lazy bum. i watched cartoons and read and munched far more food than i should have. do you ever have one of those days where you just keep munching because you're craving something but can't figure out what it is? well, i do. and Saturday was such a day. unfortunately, something i munched must have not been good 'cuz i got a major stomachache that night. which meant that i have yet to enjoy the one useful thing i did Saturday. i made a lovely Scarborough Fair beef stew. i tasted it some, but haven't gotten to eat any yet. *sighs* i hate getting sick.
i was sick all day Sunday. i spent most of the day sleeping on and off. i think i finally stayed awake for about six hours straight in the middle of the night before crashing again. i managed to drag myself to school on Monday, even though i still felt on the queasy side. my big simulation had finished, but all but one species had died. : P must retool and manipulate my poor consumer species. keeheehee. i managed to go to the gym Monday evening, even though i totally forgot my workout gear. yup, those were my bright purple toenails. : )
yesterday, i skipped out on work early so that J and i could go on a shopping expedition to the textile district. she needed to get material for the curtains for her roommate and to choose material for the bodice i'm making for her. i got some lovely deep burgandy upholstery weight fake suede which would make a lovely bodice...that i don't need, but couldn't resist. i also got some sage green linen to make a comfy pair of linen pants (and possible a shirt or something if i got enough) and a pair of pillow covers that will look very nice covering the odd blue pillows that don't quite coordinate with my burgandy living room. so that was a lot of fun. and for all that, i spent less than a hundred dollars. i love the textile district. must stay away or i'll end up redecorating my entire apartment....twice. we ate dinner at a Peruvian restaurant, and it was absolutely wonderful. thankfully, my stomach agreed. of a fun note, at the beginning of the trip we got a quick snack at the
Orange Julep, one of Montreal's odder landmarks. frothy orange drink (like an Orange Julius without the ice) from a cool, see-through tube and a corn dog, and i was happy.
today is pretty much back to the same old, same old. i started the re-vamped version of the big ecosystem, the AC in the server still isn't working quite right, and so on. but at least Bones is on tonight. and i got my copy of the spring edition of Chapter's magazine / flyer...which came with two $5 coupons as usual. i love my bookstore. : )