
Apr 21, 2006 12:03

well the grad admin assistant is totally my hero.  she got me the bubble sheets i needed!  well, okay, first i got the wrong ones.  fifteen minutes before the exam started, i realized that i had the sheets that only go up to 60 questions...not the 120 question sheets i needed!  so i chugged back to the office, she let me in again and helped me rummage through the (otherwise locked) cabinet until we found the right ones.  made it back to the exam room (thank goodness for small campuses) with just enough time to lay the sheets out before the student invasion began.  so whew!  glad that's done.

i even managed to get the bubble sheets into the campus mail before one of the secretaries took them to the campus post office.  it's glorious!  now i just have to hope i get the results back before my deadline to turn in the course marks...which is next Wednesday.  how ridiculous is that?  four or five days (depending how you look at it) to send the answer sheets to the downtown campus, get them back, calculate the marks, and submit them.  and the first two of those days are a weekend!  i doubt Exam and Course Eval Processing will get those sheets scanned before the weekend.  and there's no way they'll do it during the weekend!  plus, i still have a few errant assignments and marks coming in from students!  gah!  oh well, not like i can do anything about it.

why did i take this job again?  (oh yeah, they paid me to take it.)  : )


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