Enclosed is a lengthy post (an essay, really) about one of the long-standing issues in Pokémon fandom - the uncomfortable implications of the relationship between a team and their trainer. This is actually something I've been meaning to write for a while (based on my own thoughts, which were brought to a head by a
months-old comment chain in one of
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Also, look at the age most trainers start their journey. Age 10, the kids are WAY to young to survive without help. The pokemon out there know this and test the youngsters to see if they are worthy of their support. Not to mention that this is an age where in this reality most kids would still hold onto that bit of child innocence that would make the bond go more easily.
As for the specialty balls:
A Heal Ball is a no-brainer. The perfect show of care for a captured pokemon.
The great and ultra balls. I would guess the interiors to be more comfortable or luxuriant for the occupant, showing that this trainer is truly serious about caring for the pokemon.
Net, dive, and nest balls. These would have an interior more comfortable to a certain type of pokemon, making them more likely to see the trainer is focused on their well-being.
Timer ball. I would think a long, drawn out battle would show a trainer's resiliency and dedication to his chosen path.
Repeat ball. Shows a trainer has experience dealing with the pokemon he is trying to capture.
The master ball. Here is where there is a problem. The master ball is sort of... unnerving in this sense as it takes away the choice of the pokemon captured with it. Most likely removing its free will as well. Very sinister. Oddly enough in all my years of playing pokemon, and I've beaten the Elite Four in everything so far. (not counting HG, SS yet), I have only used a single master ball, and that was in a fit of annoyance trying to capture Mesprit in Diamond. Every other game it has simply gathered lint in my bag. It feels like a crutch to me even in the game.
Oh well, that's just my thoughts on this subject. It will be interesting to see what you and others might think of this and it's something I might touch on in my own fanfic soon.... Need to get started on it...
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