Day 21 - Favorite film from your favorite actor/actress

Jun 07, 2010 20:49

I picked a favorite actor already, eh? That was sooooo long ago. So, favorite Gerard Butler movie?

How To Train Your Dragon was fantastic, but he wasn't really a HUGE part of it. I loved Gamer for its total action-filled ridicoulousness factor (and bonus points for crazy-ass Michael C. Hall) and Law Abiding Citizen for... well pretty much the same reason, but with different explosions. And of course, there's 300, which is just fucking epic. I STILL yell "THIS IS SPARTA" every time I drive through Sparta.

And yet, my two finalists are sort of sentimental favorites that just happen to have him in them... and admittedly, in the grand scheme of things, and even compared to the aforementioned movies, they're hardly top notch movies, but fuck it, I love them. The first is Reign of Fire. Dude, fucking DRAGONS. Dragons and CHRISTIAN BALE and GERARD BUTLER... and Matthew McIspelledHisLastNameRightLastTime. And DRAGONS. Also, there is Alexander Siddig before he worked his way out of just getting roles that ended in fiery and/or explosive deaths (see also: 24, Syriana, Vertical Limit, MI-5). And DRAGONS.

The second is, and you shut your mouth right before you even open it, Timeline. Seriously, I know. It's cheesy and nonsensical and they keep referring to 1357 France like it's a street address, but it's chock-full of my cadre of B-list peeps and fun in a goofy, terrible movie way. And, it costars Neal McDonough, who, in true Neal McDonough fashion, doesn't actually survive to the end of the movie. And, realistically, Neal probably should have been my pick for favorite actor to begin with, but he hasn't done a whole lot recently (and he's been in some REALLY awful stuff), so I gave Gerry the nod. Here's hoping the fact that he's now sporting a moustache is a good sign for the Dum Dum Dugan thing...

ANYWAY, I'm giving it to Timeline. FOR NEAL.

[ETA: If I had picked Neal in the first place, favorite movie would have gone to Star Trek: First Contact.]


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