Wait… While technically true, that’s kind of an awful thought, isn’t it? In any case, all I mean is that the
All Things Asian webstravaganza ended yesterday. *sadface*
Thank you to everyone who visited the three participating blogs and read all the great posts, commented, entered contests, and helped make this such an exciting, educational, and interesting online celebration. Big thanks to our hosts, who pulled this amazing thing off:
That Hapa Chick;
iLive, iLaugh, iLove Books; and
My Words Ate Me. I was honored to be included in this.
I hope we can continue to think about, discuss, and promote diversity in young adult fiction, and in all areas of our lives. In the meantime, if you missed some of the posts, you can find links to all of them at the main website:
http://livelaughlovebook.blogspot.com/p/all-things-asian.html Many of the giveaways are still running through April 30. I’m looking forward to sending a Fair Coin prize pack to one lucky winner!
Stay frosty,
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