Torie and I enjoyed re-watching Star Trek so much, we decided to do it again. So much has changed since we launched the original re-watch last year, we thought it might be in need of a massive update, so we’re remastering every re-watch post, in original publication order. If you missed us the first time around, this is your chance to follow along. And if you did read all the old posts, we promise there’s a lot of added value. We like to think of this as the way the re-watch was always intended to be, if we’d been given free editorial reign and the right resources at the beginning.
Please check out our new look at The Viewscreen: Read more about
the exciting new direction of the Remastered Re-Watch, and our first post is already up-only a day late-
for the first episode of the series, “The Man Trap.” As Torie puts it, we’ve made it “saltier” and “more vampire-ier!” Here’s a glimpse at some of our enhancements. Please let us know what you think-like the internet, this is a work in progress. And tell your friends!
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