Seamus Sweeney reviewed Sybil’s Garage No. 7 for SF Site, with some complimentary remarks on my story, “My Father’s Eyes”:
This was one of the most moving, and in an unforced way original, stories in the collection-my joint favourite with M.K. Hobson’s “Kid Despair in Love.”
Overall he seems to like the rest of the issue quite a bit:
Sybil’s Garage achieves a satisfyingly universal appeal, and an extremely high degree of literary quality… it is pretty wonderful stuff-beautifully produced, and never dull. The stories are a mix of slipstream, near-future, horror, comedy horror, mythic and pseudo-mythic-eschewing anything as vulgar or misleading as a neat straightjacket of genre.
You can check out the full review
here and pick up a copy of Sybil’s Garage No. 7 at
Senses Five Press.
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