
Jul 05, 2005 20:33

i love my neighborhood. somebody was shotting off fireworks near grant street(proberly w/ out a permit):> . anyway, have 2 new bosses at work, julie and Bartey. they both seem super nice.or at least for now. I hope they stay nice. need more nice bosses.

anyway, monday went to the same psyhic as Gabe, Dorian said
-have and attract alot of unsual friend(no shit, she actaully said that, almost fell out of my chair laughing,no offense guys i still love yeah)
-more mental then pyhsical(i day dream alot, strong imagination and creativity)
-probeerly end up teaching( trying to stay away from that, want to do something different in my family)
-2 marrriage possiblities
- probly have one child, most liky a son
-job changes( doses diffent bosses count as a new job?)
-have fear issues
-afriad to move out of home(go to college, still live at home,just alittle nervous )
-strong male figure( ie my dad who is afraid of letting me go)
- move aroung alot as a child( move moved about 8 before current place)
-parents are different( no shit they are, there as oppsoite as night and day)
-unhappy child hood, but will get happier the older i get( i hope so)
Dorian said more stuff but i dont want to bore you too much, goodnight.
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