Last updated on October 26, 2010 » policy revised.
1) Foreword
All the entries related to and its websites can be found at
Hello Jupiter or
yupiteru , where all the entries are cross-posted to. Comments are enabled on
Hello Jupiter alone, though.
As of August 30, 2010
eclore will have only personal entries, the vast majority of which will be friends-only.
2) Development
- ask to be added if we have something in common… userinfo is your friend
- comment, I do not post often so it shouldn't be hard. I'll obviously try to do the same!
- bear in mind that English is not my mother language, so there'll likely be a few mistakes
3) Conclusion
No random adds! Unless we have talked before and I have agreed to add you here, if you want to be on my friends list please comment this entry first. No essays required, a short explanation about why you are interested in friending this journal is more than enough :)
As of January, 21 2009 all comments are screened.