Oh yeah

Jul 25, 2004 22:33

Today was certainly a day. I had a blast. Besides my morning, that was just interesting. Jeff picked me up around 12:30, then we went to shop n' save to pick up some brownie mix. We got that and had technical difficulites with the express lane, lol. After we got that settled, he got some scratch tickets. He gave me one and we scratched away. He won ten dollars, I won two, lol. I've never won at those things. I feel special. So we went back to his house and I got started baking the brownies. After I got it all in the pan and stuff, I had to lick the bowl. I got it all over me, of course. And I thought of heather, becasue we love making brownies and making a mess of ourselves. So jeff got some on his shirt. I tried to help him out by getting a washcloth and some soap to scrub it out...when in fact I just made is worse. I had brownie mix all over my hands and got even more on his shirt, lol. That was funny. I forgot to put non-stick stuff on the pan, so the brownies were kinda stuck. Still good none the less.
After that we headed over to the roys and just chillaxed there. Ate some stuff, talked, ate some more, talked some more. It was good. Then we headed over to tracys surprise party. I had alot of fun there. I only knew a few people. I found a long lost friend from fcc back in the day. I haven't talked to her since second grade, wow. It was cool to talk to her again. We both had crushes on andrew woodman back then, lol. We played volleyball alot. I suck at it, but I love playing anyways. Adam was there, that made me happy. He pulled up his car in the driveway and went inside to get something. So we deicded to put it in neutral and push it across the street. That was funnny. Then we went inside and played barbie dreamdate, lol.
I love spending time with jeff. We're becoming really good friends. I love what we have now and wouldn't trade it for anything in this world. Haha, my mom wants me to marry him. When I was leaving she said "alright, go, have fun, drive safe, marry him, have a good time." she cracks me up. Then when I came back, the very first thing she said to me was "did he kiss you?" I gave her a big no and reminded her of my standard on that. She cracks me up. Obviously my parents like him...better than any other guy I've dated. I can't wait to see what God has in store for us. This time, I'm letting Him write my love story (if there's going to be one of course)

Well I'm out. This is probably the longest journal entry that I've written. I dedicate this to Laura Hess, who happens to be the expert on writing mile long journal entries. More like novels on her life, lol.
And now my favorite verse in the whole wide world:

"The night is nearly over; the day is almost here. So let us put aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light."

Romans 13:12
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