
Dec 04, 2005 17:19

Yesterday was great. In fact, I think it's the best birthday celebration I've ever had, despite the chaotic stress and large amount of people. It was difficult to socialize and talk with everyone, which I found rather frustrating, but I did have fun talking and laughing with most people.
I was super stressed before people arrived, I didn't have clean clothes and had to wear a dirty dress and sweater. Bleugh. Suddenly, loads and loads of people were in the living room, craving pizza. Mum was telling me how to be a good hostess and refused to let me sit down, Una was an angel and helped me loads in the kitchen. Linn and Helge tried calming me down, Gisken was cute, pizza was served, I ran around not quite knowing what do to, but suddenly people were full, and it was time to

The following items were acquired (random order): Cute stockings, purple pantyhose, lovely poetry books (Saabye Christensen and Hagerup <3), colourful and cool hairbands, nifty acrylic paint and a small canvas, cute and fun hair clip thingies, "12 Monkeys", chocolate, a very cute notebook, a CD with manymany songs along with adocument of many pages, describing which songs are on the CD and why, lovely mittens, a bracelet w/lipgloss hanging off it and a pink ring, a teddy bear, a keyring, 200 kr, a voucher for Pladekomagniet some sort of drawing in a frame and I hope I haven't forgotten anything. If I have, please forgive me, because my memory is very poor. Last night, I could barely remember from whom I'd gotten which presents.
Oh! And last, but not least, I got some veryvery nice and sweet and cute cards, with nice things written on them and poems and drawings and aww.
Again: Thank you, lovely people!

Gisken has ordered a present for me on the internet, and it hasn't arrived yet, so in excitement I wait. She was one of the people who gave me a very sweet card. <3. (:

After opening presents, we had charades. It was freaky how frequent Andreas and I guessed each others word. Our team won, go us!

Then there was time for the vital boy-on-boy photoshoot. Ina needed it for a school project. They're to use lyrics, and she used "Too much love will kill you", and needed two boys to look hot together, and one of them to look sad afterwards (since Freddie Mercury died of AIDS and stuff, and the song is about that, I think). And hot they indeed did look. fiere has wonderful pictures of this (and other pics from the party, too). A check-out of these is higly recommended.

Most people left in time to catch the 23:21 bus. Some people stayed and just hung around for a bit, waiting to be picked up. While they sat down and were lazy, Ina helped me clean the house, and she did the dishes after everyone had left, while I cleaned tables and stuff. Ina rocks muchly.
We had a nice talk before sleeping. I love talking with Ina, I feel I can tell her everything, and she always has clever things to reply with.

She unfortunately had to leave quite early today, and I've spent most of the day reading and thinking about Andreas. He's off to Nordmarka (large forest-y thing north of Oslo) now, he'll be sleeping in a tent with two other guys. In the forest. This time of year. In NORWAY. He's crazy.
What in the world is there to do deep in the forest in this cold, cold darkness? Perhaps they do obscure and terrible stuff. Or just pretend to be Boy Scouts. (Perhaps he was inspired by the photo shoot with Dan last night. Hmm...)

Either way, I hope he brought a flashlight.
He better not be brutally murdered by some bear or mentally challenged person. Or freeze to death. I hope he'll have fun, whatever he'll be doing.

I need to get back to the reading. I still have 131 pages to go, and the exam is TOMORROW. And I have to skim through the other two books and take notes. And eat fabulous carrot cake. I should be able to do it, though. At least the latter.

(And here I was, promising myself I'd make a SHORT post this time... Ah, how wrong (and nerdy) one I can be am.)
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