
Oct 05, 2005 12:41

During the time spent here since Saturday, I've

- Been on the Underground and recognised places I saw 4-5 years ago
- Had a tasty bacon and egg bun-thing
- Shopped cheap food and shampoo-ey stuff at Tesco
- Been very drunk
- Eaten at KFC
- Been to the huuuuge University of Warwick
- Slept during Dom's lectures
- Read "The Little Prince" in Danish during Dom's lectures
- Played DDR
- Played Time Crisis
- Cried
- Laughed
- Had Turkish Delight with Rose and Lemon (eww)
- Watched "Chocolate and the Charlie Factory""Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" (Johnny Depp's Willy Wonka reminded me of Jim Carrey's Andy Kaufman and Michael Jackson. I'm not sure if that's a good thing...)
- Been close to having a cinema theatre to myself
- Quoted Black Books insanely much
- Made Skittle Vodka (it's dissovling right now, woo!)
- Had a strange kind of seizure (I was shaking/twitching uncontrollably, and it wouldn't stop, not even when I stood up. Dom was scared, so we phoned a 24-hour Nurse line. They were all great and phoned me back, and the nurse was so sweet and caring. She said I probably had some sort of stress related attack, perhaps even a panic or anxiety attack. I doubt it was the latter, cause I just felt really calm when shaking, trying to convince Dom I wasn't in any pain. I can understand why he was scared, though. I looked like I was possessed or something. The nurse just told me to relax and try going to sleep, and if anything else happened, I was just to phone them back. Even though I'm Norwegian. Aww.)
- Played pool and been SOOOO close to winning over Dom, but not quite. Bad luck, I tells ya!

Aaand probably loads of other stuff, but I can't really remember more right now. Dom's chair is so low. And the edge of his desk is cutting into my wrists as I type, liekomg.

Today, we're going into Coventry to... Err. Do stuff? "See it properly," Dom's been saying. Whatever that means.

Dom's at Uni now. I decided to sleep in, since I'm lazy and stuff. Had a nice bath. And Coco Pops. Woo.

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