((OOC: Doing this 'cause nobody wanted to rescue my baby, you mean people >( ))
Everything hurts. Shit. Dammit all to hell.
I don't even know what to think right now. I got healed, sure, when I was... rescued... but it doesn't make the fact that I couldn't-
Dammit. Screw it. Nevermind.
I need to get stronger. I don't know how. It pisses me off.
Angelo's doing better. He won't stop shaking. Damn mutt's gotten so clingy I can't even leave my room without him wailing. Not that I want to, right now.
I don't think I've ever felt this helpless. It sucks.
On a different note entirely... I finally met that kid I've had dreams about. ... Anyone who comments on that dies.
His name is Roxas. And first meeting be damned, I know him. ... I do. Makes me mad that I don't know why.
I have a sword now. A real one, not some stupid plastic bat. I thought it would make me feel stronger. Guess even I can be wrong about things.
I hate this place.