kynekh_amagire is out celebrating Jackel Appreciation Day, and the house is all mine. I've decided to make it a detective day. I just finished watching The Great Mouse Detective, which, incidentally, is the best Disney movie of all time with the best Disney villian of all time (fuckyouMalefecent). I even found a few more Great Mouse Detective icons for my LJ. :) (As this brand new icon can attest.)
I think I'm going to continue on with some Maltese Falcon, followed by This Gun For Hire, Zerro Effect, and if I have time, Murder, My Sweet. Things are going pretty well, I have to say. Lots of smiles. I've opened the door to the room that Winston and Lady Grey were staying in, but so far I have yet to see either of them venture forth, although Kyn says that at least Winston has poked his head out. I hope that they enjoy their new home. They're really great kitties.
Thank you all for your time.