Apr 04, 2008 20:32
I've decided that I'm going to keep my story in the past tense. I find it easier to work with for these reasons, which I'm recording mainly for my own gratification.
- Ease of use. I naturally write better in this tense. If I'm not careful, I revert to it without realizing it.
- Style. I find I can describe things smoother and with more accuracy using past-tense.
- Un-hokeyness. Whenever I try to use present tense, it sounds hokey. "He does this and this, while doing this... all of which bores the reader and insults the quality of my writing."
- Lack of action. The story tends to lack movement and punch using past-tense. This can be off-set by using a lot of action, which can drain meaning from drama that is essential to capture your plot.
Guess I'll have to find a balance. I can't stomach present tense with my writing style... it plain sucks.
I've also decided to incorporate my newest story idea into an older story and give it some life.
It figures that I get these great ideas when it's not NanoWriMo. Oh well. Like everything else in my life, I write in my own time. Which is to say, it takes me three times as long as a normal person, and probably will contain a great deal of mistakes.
Word of the day: Transmogrify. (It's funny how the in-browser spell-checker doesn't go off at Transmogrify. The programmers must know their Calvin and Hobbes.)