Dec 19, 2004 21:09
It's been forever since I updated. I don't have much to say at all, other than that last week was the slowest most boring week since I got here, I hate my final schedule, I hate everyone who is done already (except Pitt people because they have to go back way too early) and I really want to get out of here. Oh, studying sucks major monkey butts. Oh, so does having three finals in the last two days. The more I study for any of them the less I feel like I know, I just want to take them and be done with it. But the time is not passing at all, and studying makes it even worse. And not studying fills me with guilt because I have three finals and I should be studying.
UVA should just do away with the last two days of finals. Nobody wants to be here anymore, everyone wants to go home. Most people have one wimpy exam to take and would just assume get it over with sooner. And then there are people like me with all their exams in the last two days who would just assume take them all earlier. What I wouldn't give to be able to arrange my own exam schedule, or even move up one of them. But no, only postponing, because staying until the 22nd isn't late enough. Arg, I need a hug. I need to be done so my stress level will go down. I'm even freaking about calculus, which is definately a new experience for me. If I relax I will do fine. But the clump of exams has me all stressed. So yeah, that's about all there is to say.
Two days and it will all be over....somebody just shoot me now.
Time to study again!