Sep 01, 2007 15:01
So I tried to call the gas/electric people today to get them to come and get final readings from our meters, because apparently they have been round twice before, but they come early when I am sleeping and knock really quietly, once, and then go away, leaving a nice little card in my door for me to find once I actually make it to the bottom of the stairs to tell me they didn't bother to wait. (I am going to put a sign on the door saying PLEASE KNOCK LOUDLY.) It turns out to be ten minutes after their lines close. It is a Saturday. WHY GOD IS IT SATURDAY. For the record, I actually dislike weekends and have done ever since I had to rely on library public access to get on the internets (a situation that lasted a good six years or more, as family was poor). One can do nothing on a weekend. Any important business that needs doing needs to wait two agonising, nail-biting days, and three if it's a Bank Holiday. Bank Holidays make me wrathful like few other things. And by "wrathful" I mean "mildly peeved", but still.
So I go off to the council place to try and file our change of address, and halfway there I think, "wait, it's Saturday, what if they're closed". And they were indeed closed. Though I found out the journey actually wasn't the horrid long getting-lost-involving trek that I'd imagined it to be, probably because I took a different route. It's on a straight road, a simple right turn off the main road. I don't know how I managed to get so horribly lost the last time. So that's something, but still. Now I have to wait till the 3rd to get anything done. THE THIRD. I AM MOVING ON THE SIXTH ARGH ASGHFA;AD OMG I FAIL. Hopefully I can get the gas people round within three days, though, and the change-of-address doesn't *have* to be filed in advance of moving, soyeah.
To make up for my abject fail, I am designating today a Day of Packing. But first I will have lunch, and do my homework. :33
Also, does anyone know if there's a word for someone who believes in a god, thinks all belief systems have a snippet of the truth in them, but thinks +90% of actual religion is a damaging concoction of falsehoods that just detract from actually finding the spiritual? There's Deist, but Deist implies that you don't actually believe deity has an influence in the world any longer, which is too specific for what I'm aiming at; Paganism is a path that allows you to pretty much choose how you do things yourself, but it still has implications for most people of following a certain nature-based path, and isn't as generic as I'd like. I just want a word that means "I believe in the concept of god and pursue spirituality, but I don't follow any holy book or dogma", with a possible implied "...or try to lay down guidelines for what I think deity is like, since it is far too vast for me to actually be able to say anything for sure". (Different from agnosticism, since it's admitting that we can't really know what deity is like yet believing in it anyway.)
Oh, and also, randomly? The internet has just so many little (and big) things about it today that make it much more efficient than five years ago. Autocomplete on forms, for example. Wikipedia. Flickr. Google Maps. We take these things for granted, but there was a time when they didn't exist. I just sort of... noticed that, and thought I should pay my respects to it.