Ooh. Found this bustling and seemingly intelligent
religious debate forum, mostly geared towards the secular but advertising freedom and equal hearing for all, courtesy of
kawakiisakazuki. This may just start eating into my daily internetting. At the very least, it gives me somewhere to rant on my semifrequent religious ponderings where I won't be annoying the friendslist. :3 (The attached
website is also very readable; makes a few logical fallacies, but is still quite compelling in the main.)
Found there's actually a supermarket extremely close by that sells German f00dz: Asuka is, needless to say, quite joyful about this. I see a steady diet of Bockwurst in my future. It scares me somewhat. O_o
It's almost 10pm. It doesn't feel like almost 10pm, dammit. I feel I ought to be making myself dinner and surfing some more, not feeling like it's almost bedtime (since, yes, we go to bed extortionately early of late; it seems to have eased the constant tiredness somewhat, at any rate).
...there was probably something else I wanted to say, but I forgot. *shuffles off*
[EDIT: I knew there was something... That supermarket place had really yummy-looking icecream, and I wish I'd bought some. ;_; *shuffles off again*]