Now that's quality television viewing

Nov 07, 2010 15:42

SBS 1 is showing documentary after documentary *glees* Just finished watching one on the "vampire disease" and vampire histeria in Austria in the 1700's which was fascinating. Centred around the so-called "vampire princess" Eleonore von Schwarzenberg. Now there's one on the walls of China which has some interesting Chinese and British interaction ( Read more... )

history geekery

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manic_intent November 7 2010, 09:43:12 UTC
I was happy at university because of the hours (13 hour week, what) but not because of the studying - I wasn't really happy with my course, and I wasn't fond of exams (for which was more or less inevitable). Not sure what I would be most happy doing, really. ^^

Maybe you could go into research?


eclectify November 7 2010, 11:31:55 UTC
I think I need to find the right course because despite being happy studying I've never found something that entirely captured my attention long enough. I hope you do find something you'd be most happy doing though. I am kinda all about that at the moment XD Wanting everyone to find their happy.

But hmm, research. I think I could enjoy research.


manic_intent November 7 2010, 11:36:33 UTC
Haha did you read that [Don't Work, Be Hated, Love Somone] thing? Found it inspiring... but not enough to just throw over my job for now. Maybe after another year or so or until I find something else. I feel that when you're in your twenties and you're still not so sure what you want to do, you still have a lot of time anyway. ^^

yeah... do the grants and thesis thing, maybe. :3


eclectify November 7 2010, 11:39:02 UTC
I probably need to look at actually finishing an undergrad first |D Argh. Why can I not reign in my attention and focus for once?!

I don't have much of my twenties left XD Maybe I am getting near thirty so now I am all about finding something for myself lol.


manic_intent November 7 2010, 11:44:12 UTC
I gather that quite a few people around here take their time to finish the ugrad (don't you get 10 years ... at least in Melb? :O) When I did my legal diploma (post law, to get admitted), the only people my age were all Asian. Everyone else had taken time off, or had done other stuff in the meantime.

I like [this song] when thinking about the future and not knowing what you want to do yet. :3

Edit to say: Asian with [High Expectation Asian Parents]


eclectify November 7 2010, 11:48:46 UTC
Just read that speech you linked me to. Inspiring. Very inspiring.

I think you get 10 years. I don't really know since I started university stuff when I was 16 XD But I know with the communications degree I almost finished that I can't do the final units because ten years was up this year.

Oh that song! I haven't heard that it ages!


manic_intent November 7 2010, 12:26:37 UTC
I think the time limit is weird. As long as you keep paying for your courses I don't see what's the problem.

Loved the speech. :D It's so true. Why kill yourself slowly each day for the final fraction of your life? The only part that I would have amended is litigator vs editor. When both sides are litigators, the gf doesn't always win, haha.


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