I seem to recall a certain bodily requirement

Oct 31, 2010 03:06

Can't sleep, can't sleep, can't sleep. Sickness has disolved into a rattly chest and an annoying cough. Brain has decided that after putting up with body's need for some sleep in order to repair itself, it is now resuming control ( Read more... )

insomnia: i can has it

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sarlania October 30 2010, 19:45:07 UTC
Awwww *hugs*

Also it is too hot under the blankets and too cold outside. That is just a pointless whinge. Just saying.
Don't worry, I hate it when blankets are like that too.

I hope you managed to sleep eventually.


eclectify October 30 2010, 19:46:50 UTC
Nope! Still awake XD

Blankets are evil sometimes. Unfortunately, I have the greatest chance of getting sleep with them because I prefer the weight.

And, Good Morning ^_^


sarlania October 30 2010, 19:50:29 UTC
Good morning! Hmm I'm not helping on the sleep department am I? Maybe a cup of something will do you good - not tea though. That'll keep you awake. :D

I have weird sleeping habits for the past week. I've been sleeping unnaturally early - before 12 - and getting up at 5am. It's... weird. And I don't feel tired in the mornings.


eclectify October 30 2010, 19:55:11 UTC
I think after all these years, very little will help on the sleep department lol.

Well, if you don't feel tired at least it is only weird sleeping habits and not bad sleeping habits. Might have something to do with change in season or what's been going on in your life. More studying? Less studying?

And watch me ramble on about sleep patterns. I am naturally curious about everything. And nosy.



sarlania October 30 2010, 19:59:28 UTC
Maybe. IDK. I have more study, certainly. I get up in the morning to use off-peak internet to download stuff but I don't need to get up THAT early. I seem to go through these periods - a few months ago I would be up until 3am sometimes. My parents go so pissed at me they uh blocked the internet past midnight. THAT upset me so much - but they've turned it back on again a week after - thank God!

Maybe that plays a subconscious role in me going to bed early. Hmm.


eclectify October 30 2010, 20:04:19 UTC
Oh god, parents. I do not miss living at home. Trying to explain why I was up for the second straight night in a row on the internet got very difficult. XD

Your subconscious is probably training itself for the path of less conflict...lol


sarlania October 30 2010, 20:08:57 UTC
Hmmmm possibly. Adapting to environmental stresses, as it were. Good old Darwin!

Seeing you're not sleeping... have you read the collaborative fic The Shape I Found You In?


eclectify October 30 2010, 20:11:40 UTC
Oh you delightful creature *beams* You provide me with fic. Epistolary fic which, I confess, is a not so guilty pleasure of mine.


sarlania October 30 2010, 20:18:20 UTC
Oh this delightful creature has a lot of fic to link to - a perfect cure for boredom as well as a wonderful procrastinating tool - something I do so well. :D

Once you're done: On This Harvest Moon is a really sweet parent!John/Sherlock that's just so cute and fluffy and in character. (no mpreg, I guarantee you)


eclectify October 30 2010, 20:21:30 UTC
I have literally just finished reading On This Harvest Moon not some fifteen minutes or so ago *grins* It really was gorgeously in character considering the subject. It had my fingers itching to do some sketching!


sarlania October 30 2010, 20:26:49 UTC
:D Great finds think alike and all that. I would love the author to continue with the universe. Sherlock and John as fathers = ♥

It's raining so heavily here in Melbourne. Making me all sleepy. *needs coffee*


eclectify October 30 2010, 20:29:36 UTC
Raaaaain. I am insanely jealous. I am buying a new tin roof for my house. I demand there be rain to rain upon it!

You should obtain coffee *nods* I am considering tea. Considering it is now half past four almost and the likelihood of any sleep tonight is almost nil XD


sarlania October 30 2010, 20:32:34 UTC
Rain's lovely, but irritating at the same time. I feel sorry for the people going to the races this weekend though.

Just be awake for our watchalong tonight. :D

*goes off to boil water*


eclectify October 30 2010, 20:34:53 UTC
True, true.

Oh I shall be! I have plans to be writing steadily up until then so I should definitely be awake *grins*


sarlania October 30 2010, 20:44:07 UTC
great! *g*


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