Just another Sunday night

Oct 17, 2010 21:06

Wherein I am sitting here on my laptop, cruising through dafont.com and grabbing some more fonts for my collection. A little bit of resources looking (my graphic design bug is no longer letting me ignore it lol) and such before making some sense of order from my NaNo notes so far.

Had a watchalong with some fellow Aussies for the Australian premier of Sherlock. Watched it via laptop and DVD since Perth is ridiculously behind time wise (especially since we don't do daylight savings anymore) which is a good thing since Mandy has totally taken over the TV to watch Offspring on channel ten so I can't even watch Sherlock here anyway *grumbles* Really need to invest in getting a TV for my room so I can watch whatever the bllody well I want, when I want it.

Yeah, nothing else to mention lol. Sunday night is pretty cruisy all round.

omg squee: sherlock, creativity: graphics, sunday nights are cruisy

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