Sep 06, 2010 15:38
I love finding random pieces of writing on the various thumb drives I own. So far today I've found an Assassin's Creed fanfic, an old first chapter draft of Fade to Silver and what looks like to be some rough plotting for Mindscapism. Nothing that immediately calls out to be used/worked on/provide inspiration. The AC fanfic looks finished (I don't even remember writing it lol) and I'm halfheartedly contemplating posting it somewhere if only to have some justification for having written it.
Huh. I have no AC userpics on LJ yet. Should probably do something about that.
The Fade writing has some potential. It's got some key scenes in there I still want to use that I haven't had the chance to rewrite in any other form yet (considering I'd been looking for this particular bit of work for awhile now) but I am not sure if I want to do anything with Fade just yet until I can get my summary/outline ready to work with. I've spent so much time meandering on this novel that to start writing again without either would just be another exercise in futility. Need to compile years of random writing and snippets before I do anything else. Finding this is certainly a step in the right direction though!